chapter 8

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Kageyama's pov
I was in the locker room, changing into my gym clothes.

"Hinata should be in here any second... what is taking that dumbass so long?" I thought to myself. I finished getting dressed and walked out to go find Hinata.

I found him, but he was just lying on the ground.

"HINATA? BOKE, THAT ISN'T FUNNY! GET UP!" I yelled at him, thinking he was trying to be funny.

He just lied there. My heart stopped, and I could feel my stomach dropping.

"Hinata?" I jogged towards him and saw that he wasn't faking it. He was breathing, but his body seemed lifeless.

"OI! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH HINATA!" I yelled at the others, who were still in the locker room.

They came in the gym, finding me crouched down next to Hinata.

"Suga, call 119! The rest of you go back to the locker room!" Daichi said firmly.

The rest of the team looked worried and confused as they went back in the locker room.

"What happened? Do you know why he is like this?" Daichi asked me but I didn't know.

"I went to check where he was because he hadn't come in the locker room. I saw him lying here and thought he was joking around until I came closer... I don't know what's wrong with him! I thought it was because he was still sick but passing out doesn't seem like an effect of a fever... and this morning, before school, I saw him throwing up at a park... I don't know." I told Daichi. He looked at me and could tell I was distressed.

"They're on their way." Suga said, looking down at Hinata, just as concerned as the rest of us.

I went to go sit on the sidelines to try and calm down. I was shocked.

What just happened? Is Hinata okay? Why didn't Hinata just stay home if he wasn't feeling well? What was going on?

I kept asking myself questions, as if I also knew the answer. An ambulance rolled up near the front doors of the gym, and Hinata was placed on a stretcher. As they were hooking up equipment to Hinata, the EMTs asked the team multiple questions.

"What is his full name?"

"Do you know his guardians contact information?"

"Was he acting normal before he collapsed?"

"Did you see him do anything suspicious?"

"Were you there when he fell over?"

"Do you know what his home life is like? Perhaps something about his parents or siblings?"

"Has this happened before?"

All these questions. They asked so many questions. It was too overwhelming. Daichi luckily was there next to me, answering most of them.

As soon as they were done with tests and their interviews, they pulled Daichi aside to tell him what was going on, since they couldn't get hold of Miss Hinata. The EMTs and Hinata were off to a hospital soon after.

"Alright everyone..." Daichi started, "...there is no need to worry. Hinata is going to be fine. They said that he most likely passed out from vasovagal syncope, which is mostly caused from panic or anxiety attacks. I don't know why Shouyou would be having a panic attack but that doesn't concern us. We will continue practice tomorrow."

Daichi said that Hinata's reason to have a panic or anxiety attack wasn't our business and that we don't need to worry. But I can't help but wonder. I want to know why Hinata was acting weird all the time. One day, he would be completely happy, energetic Hinata. And then the next day, he would look gloomy. Why is that so?

Hinata's pov
I woke up in a hospital bed. My eyes were adjusting to the bright lights of the room. I tried to rub my eyes, but a restraint held my arms and legs down.

What just happened?

Why am I being held down?

Where am I?

Where is everyone?

I was confused and disoriented. A man walked in through the door of the room I was in, which I assumed was a hospital room.

"Hey there, Hinata! I'm glad to see you're awake! I am Dr. Hiku, and I just wanted to ask you a few questions."

I looked at him in disbelief. I was confused and locked down, and he wanted to ask me questions?!

"Where the hell am I?! Why am I being held down! I didn't do anything bad! Where's my mom and Natsu? I am supposed to be at practice!" I yelled at him. I wasn't trying to come off aggressive, but I was so clueless as to what was going on, and I wanted to know what was happening.

"I will gladly answer your questions but I need you to answer mine first, okay?"

"NO! NOT OKAY! I need to get my answers first! Please! I won't ask a lot of questions, just please tell me what's happening!" I shouted at his face, with tears in my eyes. I was so scared of what was happening around me that I couldn't contain myself anymore, and started sobbing.

"Alright, fine. You can ask me a few questions but then I need you to answer mine. If you don't comply, I will leave the room and try again later, deal?" Dr. Hiku looked at me.

"Deal." I said with my watery eyes.

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