chapter 7

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The next few days, Hinata stayed home and was recovering from his fever. Finally, the next week rolled around the corner, and it was Monday again. Hinata was feeling much better and was off to school.

Hinata's pov
I was finally going back to school after four days of sitting at home. I was biking to school like always- wait. I was biking to school. Crap. I forgot that Kageyama returned my bike. I forgot that I ran out on him. I completely forgot that he was questioning me. I forgot that I would have to see him again today. I would have to explain myself. Crap. Crap. Crap.

I could feel my anxiety crawling inside of my stomach, to the point where I had to stop my bike and take a break to throw up. I leaned over a bush, at the same park Kageyama took me too when I passed out, and began to vomit. I assumed it was because I was still partially sick and my nerves.

"Hinata?" I heard a voice behind me.

Kageyama's pov
"Hinata?" I said, concerned to see him puking everywhere. He jumped back and then realized it was just me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, still very worried about his current condition.

"Oh! Kageyama... uh- yeah I am fine." He said with a fake grin. I looked at him, still concerned.

"I promise! I am fine." He chuckled.

He most definitely was not fine. He looked like he was terrified of my presence being around him. He also had just thrown up, which was the clear indicator that he wasn't fine. But, I kept my thoughts to myself and just said, "Come on, we're going to be late for school."

Even though I still wanted to ask all my questions, I decided to drop it. It was rude of me to assume he was lying, and I didn't want him to think I was a bad friend for not believing him. So I kept all my questions aside.

Hinata's pov
I jumped back with fear of not knowing who was behind me. I turned around to see Kageyama standing behind me. WAIT. CRAP. Kageyama was standing behind me?! That is the exact thing that I didn't want right now.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I stood there in total disbelief that this was really happening. Are you kidding me? He had to come up to me at this very moment- when I was puking my guts out because of how much I didn't want to see him.

"Oh! Kageyama... uh- yeah I am fine." I stuttered out. No. I was NOT fine! I didn't want to see him at all! I already knew he was going to ask me so many questions that I didn't want to answer! He looked at me and I repeated, "I promise! I am fine."

Oh god, here comes all the questions. I felt like I was going to throw up again.

"Come on, we're going to be late for school."

WAIT. WHAT?! That's all?! I nodded in agreement but my mind was completely zoned out. That is all he has to say? I am not complaining at all, I didn't want him to interrogate me. But still, I was shocked that he didn't ask anything. I silently walked my bike, Kageyama walking by my side, to school.

Hinata and Kageyama walked to school in silence. Hinata was in his own mind, trying to figure out why Kageyama wasn't curious anymore. And Kageyama was keeping his questions and thoughts to himself, in hopes of easing Hinata.

The school day went by and it was time for volleyball practice.

Hinata's pov
I was still in utter disbelief of what was happening. Not that I wanted Kageyama to care, because I didn't, but I was just very puzzled. As long as he was done with his inquisition, I was fine. I walked in the gym to see Noya and Tanaka running towards me.

"SHOUYOU!" They screamed and jumped on top of me. We all laughed and joked around until practice had started.

"Hey listen up! Coach Ukai had meetings today so he couldn't come to our practice. But we are still going to do our normal warm-ups. So let's all get ready and changed." Daichi told the team.

"Wait? Are you going to actually change in the locker room today? That's a first!" Tanaka said while patting my back.

I had totally forgotten about changing before practice. I was still in my uniform, and my gym clothes were in my bag. I was about to lie and say I left them at home again until Noya opened my bag and tossed me my clothes. Shit.

"Thanks." I chuckled.

"Come on guys, time to get in our gym clothes!" Noya said as he ran to the locker room.

My stomach turned and the whole team walked into the locker room, ready to change. As everyone was walking, I stood there in fear. What was I going to do?

"Oi! Hinata! Come on, we need to hurry." Kageyama broke my train of thought.

"Uh, yeah! Go ahead! I just need a second to um- check that I have everything." I bluntly lied to his face.

Kageyama signaled with his head "Okay" and he kept walking. I was the only one in the gym room. My nerves were spiking. I felt my stomach twisting. I was going to throw up for the second time today?!

I quickly ran outside the gym and puked in a nearby trashcan. I wiped my mouth and began walking inside. My anxiety spiked when I remembered I had to get changed with the others. I continued walking towards my bag in the gym. Suddenly, I felt this pressure on my head. My heart began beating faster and faster. I stopped to catch my breath and then everything went fuzzy. I could barely breathe. My eyes started closing in, and everything became dark as I fell onto the hardwood gym.

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