chapter 9

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Hinata's pov
I was wondering what I should ask him first. I had so many questions but I agreed to only asking a few. I thought of my first question.

"Where am I?" I asked, still in tears.

"You are in the Miyagi Prefecture Hospital  right now." Dr. Hiku said with a smile on his face. How could he be smiling as I was sobbing. I was confused and wanted to get out of this place.

"What happened?" I asked my second question.

"You passed out due to vasovagal syncope. Your stress and anxiety levels were so high that it caused you to black out."

That would make sense. I was panicking like crazy when I realized I would have to change in front of the team. My scars would have been shown. Then I remembered I was chained down to my bed, as if I were in a Mental Hospital. But I wasn't in a Mental Hospital, I was in a regular one. So I asked my third question.

"Why am I being held down? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

"Well, no. You didn't do anything against the law if that's what you are asking. But you are being put in this restrain because we noticed your scars."

Shit. My scars. Oh no. This can't be happening. This has to be a dream. I just need to wake up from my dream! My heart rate went high up. I could feel my heart beating so fast. The heart monitor was beeping a lot faster too. So when the doctor noticed this, he said, "Hey, there is no need to worry, okay? Just calm down a little, everything is going to be okay."

"WAIT!" I shouted, "There has to be a mistake, I don't have any scars you have to believe me!"

"Hinata, when we were doing multiple tests on you to see why you passed out, we had to lift your shirt up. You have scars all on your torso. You aren't in trouble, we just want to make sure you are safe."


"Your mother has already stopped by today. She came before we knew about your scars, so we will have to tell her soon. You need to comply with what we say and ask of you." Dr. Hiku said with all seriousness.

My head was spinning. I could feel my stomach twisting again. I thought I was going to throw up again, but I had nothing in my system to vomit. I lied down in the bed, and sat there with tears streaming down my face.

"Please, you can't tell my mom. Please, I will do anything. Just don't tell her. Don't tell anyone. I am begging." I asked the doctor as I was choking up. I was sobbing.  I could already imagine the disappointment in my mother's face. No. No! NO! I just want to die. I just want to leave this world and never come back.

"Hinata, we are obligated to tell your family. I am sorry. I know it will be hard for you, but we are doing this to help you."

My family. My mother. My sister. My father. Wait. My father?! My alcoholic, abusive father would have to know?!

"Wait! My whole family? But that just includes my mom and sister right? They are the only ones I live with! So that doesn't include my father, right? RIGHT?!" I asked Dr. Hiku.

Dr. Hiku looked at me and said, "I am sorry, but we have to tell your father. Like I said, we are obligated-"

"NO! NO! NO! YOU CAN'T TELL MY FATHER, HE WILL-" I was going to finish the sentence, but I realized how much attention I was drawing to myself. So I stopped and went silent.

"Okay, it is time for my questions!" Dr. Hiku said to me.

Time skip to later that day
I was finally being released from the hospital. My mother found out about my scars, as well as my father. I was supposed to go to a Mental Hospital because apparently, I was considered "someone in danger of themselves" but my mom declined. I don't know why she declined, not that I wanted to go, but it was most likely because we didn't have enough money for that type of treatment. We took a cab back home. My mother stayed silent the whole time, but she was clearly distressed. My sister didn't have a clue on what was going on, but she sat there in silence as well.

When we got home, I went to my room, got into bed, and sobbed. My mom didn't bother me, which I actually liked. I didn't need a pep-talk from anyone right now. I just needed to gather my thoughts. As I was sitting in my bed, wiping my tears, I could hear my mom on the phone.

"No! You shouldn't come over right now, he is perfectly fine!" My mother said to the other person on the line. "Just stay where you are, and don't bother showing up! That is the last thing he would need! And it isn't like you care anyways. You weren't there for him his whole life, and when you were, you were a drunk asshole!" She hung up. She was talking to my father. Right when I thought the situation couldn't get any worse, it did.

Kageyama's pov
Daichi texted everyone late at night, saying Hinata was fine and had already been discharged from the hospital. That was a relief. But I was still worried about him. What was causing him so much stress that he would pass out?

I needed to clear my head and recap everything that happened today. So, I went to my "safe space" and sat on the bench. Looking up at the stars and wandering. I decided that the next morning, I was going to go check up on him. I wanted to talk to him and make sure everything was fine. After 15 minutes of sitting on the bench, the cold air was starting to sting my skin, so I decided to go back home and sleep.

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