chapter 21

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Kageyama's pov
Next thing I know, I was on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance.

"This one is awake!" I could hear a voice say.

What was going on? What happened?

Then it all came back to me.

I frantically sat straight up.

"Sir, we need you to lie back-"

"WHERE IS HE?! WHERE IS SHOUYOU?!" I asked in panic.

I looked over to see another person on a stretcher next to me.

He was all cut up. He had huge gash marks on his arms. He had black and blue bruises everywhere. He had bright orange hair. He wasn't breathing. He was dead. He was Shouyou.

"WHAT THE HELL?! IS THAT- IS THAT HINATA?!" I screamed at the EMTs.

They pushed me back down on the stretcher and pinned me down. I tried to sit back up and reach for my best friend, but there grip was strong on me. They put a mask on me.

"NO! PLEASE HELP HIM! PLEASE SAVE HIM!" I cried out, but I began getting very sleepy.

"Sir, we need you to just take deep breathes, okay? Remain calm..."

The EMTs were talking to me, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

As I slowly fell into a deep sleep, I looked over at my best friend as an EMT was covering him with a white sheet.

.  .  .

I woke up in a hospital bed. Lights were blinding my vision, and I could hear people talking around me. My vision finally adjusted to the brightness in the room. I read the clock, 9:35. It was already the next day. I turned my head to see the whole Karasuno Volleyball team in the room. They all looked grievous, and I couldn't figure out why.

"H- hey Kageyama." Sugawara said to me, choking up on his own words.

Then all the memories flooded back into me. My eyes got wide and full of tears.

"WHERE IS HE?!" I shouted out, trying to get up and out of the bed. I needed to find my best friend. Surely, he was fine. He had to be! He was Shouyou Hinata.

Before I could get up out of bed, nurses came in the room and pinned me down.

"GODDAMMIT... WHERE IS SHOUYOU?! LET ME GO!" I yelled at the nurses.

I was being held down, and eventually gave up on trying to rise from my bed. I looked at the team, and they were all weeping. So I guess I hadn't imagined it.

"W- what? WHAT?! WHY ARE Y- YOU ALL CRYING? W- WHY?! HE'S F- FINE! RIGHT?" I choked up.

I couldn't except that he wasn't there. That he was gone for good. That didn't settle right with me. I didn't believe it.

My teammates just stood there in pain. Not saying a word to me.

The nurses had realized that I wasn't pushing against them anymore, and let go of me. They looked at my team for reassurance that they didn't need to be in there anymore, and Daichi nodded.

I lied back down with my eyes closed, and started crying. The tears were rolling down my face, and eventually I couldn't hold it back anymore. I started sobbing out loud, screaming in pain. Soon, the other teammates did the same. None of us could hold it back.

Time skip to Sunday, two days after Kageyama was in the Hospital...

Kageyama's pov
Today was Shouyou's memorial service. Hinata's family decided to do a closed-casket ceremony. I truly didn't want to go, it was too much. But I made myself, knowing damn well that if I didn't go, I would regret it in the future.

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