chapter 6

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Kageyama's pov
Hinata suddenly ran out of the gym. I was going to grab him or at least yell "Wait!" But I just stood there. Paralyzed with shock and confusion. Did I push it too far? But if he is hiding something that is so serious that he runs out on me, what is it? What is he hiding? After standing there for a minute, I calmly gathered all my things to head out.

I looked at the Karasuno bike rack where Hinata's bike is always parked.

"He left his bike?" I thought to myself. I decided that I would walk it to his house and possibly be able to talk to him about everything. I knew where Hinata lived, but I had never actually seen his house. I knew he lived on the more rough side of town, and that his house was small, but that's it. I finally reached his house and I was slightly shocked. It was a lot smaller than I had imagined, and I already knew it was small. It wasn't as run down as the other houses on his street but it wasn't exactly kept up with either. Whatever, it wasn't a time to think about that.

I knocked on the front door of his house and heard a "Coming!" When the door opened, I saw a woman who I assumed was Hinata's mother.

"H- hello. I am Kageyama... Tobio Kageyama. Um, is Shouyou around? I am here to drop off his bike and um, maybe I could talk to him?" I nervously asked.

"Oh! Yes, yes... he is just in his room! I will go get him!"

"Th- thank you." I stuttered. Why was I so nervous? I guess I just didn't want to upset Hinata again.

"SHOU! YOU HAVE A GUEST, COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM!" I heard his mother scream. She looked at me and smiled, so I smiled back.

"SHOUYOU! Sorry about that, I will be back in a second. Wait here." She told me as she gently closed the door, leaving me outside.

Hinata's pov
"SHOU! YOU HAVE A GUEST, COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM!" I heard my mom yell but I just stayed in my bed, snuggled up in my covers. A few seconds later, I hear her scream my name again. "SHOUYOU!" I didn't move a muscle. A minute later, she walked in my room,

"Sweetie, can you not hear me? You have a friend waiting outside! Don't be rude and come along."

I knew she was talking about Kageyama.

"Mom, I really just don't feel good. I think I might have a fever or something. Can you tell my friend to come another time?" I told her. I wasn't lying though- I really did feel sick. She placed a hand on my forehead and said, "Okay."

Kageyama's pov
Miss Hinata opened the door again and I smiled, expecting to see Shouyou, but she said, "Sorry, he isn't feeling well right now but he said that you could stop by later if he feels any better!"

I stared at her, put on a smile and said, "Oh, okay... I hope he feels better. Thank you for your time." I bowed and then walked off, leaving his bike near the front door.

Did I really push him over the edge that much... so much that he is faking being ill? Or maybe he really was sick and that's why he ran out on me? I don't know. But it is fine, I can just talk to him again tomorrow after practice.

Time skip to the next day; Kageyama's pov
I thought Hinata would be at school today, but I didn't see him. Not in any classes, or walking around, or even at volleyball. I started to worry. At practice, Daichi announced that Hinata was sick, with a fever.

"So I guess he really wasn't feeling good yesterday... that's a relief. And maybe that's why he acted all nervous too, because he was sick! So what if he was telling the truth when he said he hadn't had enough to eat and that it was no big deal? Oh God, does that mean I accused him of lying? Damn it." I thought to myself as I walked home after practice.

Hinata's pov
I stayed home from school the next day because it turns out that I actually did have a bad fever. My mom informed the school, so I assume the team knows why I skipped today. I hate skipping volleyball. It was my one escape from the reality of my depression.

I lied in my bed all day, coughing and throwing up. I felt like shit. Damn it! And the worse part is that I am sick because of an infection. I am not positive that its the reason why, but the cut on my hip got infected. And I can't tell my mom that I have an infected cut, because that means showing her my side, stomach, and basically my entire, cut up torso. Whatever. I am just going to say that its a fever from being too active... does that even make logical sense? It doesn't matter, I just need an excuse as to why I am so sick.

I always bandage myself up really well. I use rubbing alcohol, put creams on, and then bandage it. But I think because my wound reopened on my hip when I fell, I forgot to bandage it back up for the rest of the day. Great. I am such a dumbass. Why am I always so stupid? I can't even handle taking care of myself! I am such a shit show. Why do I even have friends? Why would anyone want to even be my friend? I hate myself.

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