chapter 11

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The next day
Hinata was going to school today.

Hinata's pov
I was biking to school like always. My new medicine should be ready after school, so I planned on picking that up as well. I got to school, parked my bike, and went to first period. The day was normal, besides all the people asking me "What happened?" and "Are you okay?" I guess the news had spread a lot faster than I had expected. I came up with a lame excuse, saying that I had a test I was super nervous about. Everyone somehow believed me, which made me ease up a little. Finally, the day ended and it was time for volleyball practice.

This time, I thankfully remembered to change before practice. I opened the gym doors, and next thing I knew, Tanaka and Noya were tackling me to the ground.

"Dude! We were so worried!" Noya yelled.

"Glad to see your better!" Tanaka said, helping me back up.

"Yeah, it was pretty lame of you to pass out... we didn't even get to practice because of you." Tsukishima said with a smirk.

"TSUKISHIMA! Don't be so rude!" Yamaguchi said as he punched Tsukishima's arm.

"Tsukishima's right... if I do bad today, I am blaming you." Kageyama joked around.

I smiled anxiously at Kageyama, remembering that he was suspicious of me.

"Hinata! I am glad you are back! Alright, let's start practice!" Daichi told the team.

"Hinata, a word?" Coach Ukai hollered at me, and then signaling me to come over.

"Yes?" I asked him nervously.

"I just wanted to say sorry for not being at practice Monday. I am glad you are doing better though!"

"No, no! It's fine, don't apologize!" I said back before getting up.

"Oh, and one last thing... if you aren't feeling well, even a little, during practice, you come tell me... got it?"

"Yes sir!" I bowed and then ran off to join the others.

Volleyball practice was what I needed. It helped me clear my mind and stop my thoughts for a bit. I could be calm at practice, and not have to worry about anything. After an intense two hours of practice, it was time to go home.

"Hey, want to hit some extra? After all, you are probably a little rusty."

I turned around to see Kageyama holding a ball and then tossing it to me. I caught it and said,

"Very funny... but I actually can't today, I have to go home and help out with um, dinner." I lied. The truth was that I needed to go pick up my new medication, but I couldn't tell Kageyama that.

"Oh, okay. Well then I am going home too. Want to walk together?" Kageyama asked. Shit. I wasn't even going home in the first place.

"Oh, well I brought my bike so-"

"So what?" Kageyama looked at me with glaring eyes.

"Well... okay, I guess." I chuckled.

I guess I am going to have to walk all the way home and then all the way back, that was my only option.

We walked together in silence.

Kageyama's pov
Hinata and I walked, both of us were completely silent. I still wanted to ask questions, just to make sure everything was fine, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Oi, I am going now." I said as we reached the intersection where we split ways.

"Alright, see you tomorrow!" Hinata smiled and waved.

He seemed perfectly fine, but for some reason I keep having a feeling like he is hiding something. But I can't ask him, because last time I did that, it didn't end well.

I walked home by myself until I realized that I needed to pick up medicine for my mother, who often had stomach aches. So, before reaching my house, I turned around and starting walking back down the hill.

Hinata's pov
As soon as Kageyama was out of sight, I biked back down the hill, towards the doctors office. Once I got there, I grabbed my medication and filled out some forms. I finished up signing everything, grabbed the brown paper bag that my new medication was in, and went back out. As I was walking my bike up the hill, I hear someone call my name.


I looked up ahead of me, and it was none other than Kageyama. Just my luck. What was he doing here? Why is this happening now? I froze in disbelief... was this really about to happen to me?

"Oh, uh... hi Kageyama. What are you still doing out, I thought you went home." I nervously said with a fake grin.

"I needed to go pick up some medicine for my mom, she has a stomach ache. And what about you? I thought you had to go help out with dinner?" He asked.

Crap. He was obviously suspicious of me. CRAP. My medication is literally just sitting in my hand. Sure, the pill bottle is in a paper bag, but what if he starts asking questions? I could feel my heart beat picking up its pace.

Kageyama's pov
"I needed to go pick up some medicine for my mom, she has a stomach ache. And what about you? I thought you had to go help out with dinner?" I asked him.

I was so confused as to why he was out, when earlier he said that he needed to get home early. His excuse didn't make sense anymore. I could tell that he was shocked and anxious... he was definitely hiding something. He continued to stay silent and not answer my questions. I observed him, and noticed a brown paper bag in his left hand. I didn't think it was anything until I saw a sticker label that read "Miyagi Prefecture Doctor's Office." What was he doing with medication? I thought he wasn't sick anymore? Finally my curiosity took over me...

"What's that?" I asked, looking down at the brown paper bag.

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