one-time thing

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Jennie's ears rang as she heard his statement. The word 'I'm V' kept on echoing inside her mind, only telling her that this is true. Her guts were right, her boss is the guy he slept with.

She was a loss of words. She can't utter a single one. She has a lot to say- ask to be exact but as she opens her mouth to talk, she shuts it back because nothing would come out. Her mind was blank.

She quickly stood up, ready to leave his office without uttering or bidding an excuse cause she has no courage to face nor talk to him.

Seeing this, Taehyung stood up as well and followed her. Thank God for his long legs, he was able to catch up and stopped her from going out.

He grabbed her tiny wrists before she can even reach the door knob and turned her figure to face him. Jennie was surprised and felt goosebumps all over her body when their skin touched. Even if it's just a normal skinship, she can't help but to feel weird and different emotions inside her.

"Please don't walk away again," Taehyung muttered and locked the door behind her. Their face we're only inches away from each other and one wrong move could happen to something more embarrassing.

Jennie widens her eyes as she realised their closeness. Her hands were slightly trembling and gulped hard, unable to contain her nervousness when he spoke.

Why is it so hot in here? She asked in her mind.

She just kept herself quiet, not knowing what to do or what to say. She never expected that she'll meet him again this way and it's making her crazy.

Slowly, she felt him bought his hands from the door to her waist and the other from her wrist to her shoulders then pulled her closer to a hug.

It's definitely so hot.

Jennie could feel little droplets of sweat forming on her forehead. She can also smell his manly scent when he leaned in and placed his head on her shoulder. Suddenly, her eyes widen when she seemed familiar with the scent and it hit her that this is the same cologne he used that night.

Like her hands have a mind of its own, it ran up to his shoulders and hugged him back. Taehyung seemed taken aback by this because she noticed that his back muscles tensed a little but relaxed afterwards.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes until she broke free from the hug and alienated herself from him.

"I--" he started but stopped when she spoke.

"W-what happened to us is...... just... a one-time thing and it'll stay like that."

Taehyung widen his eyes when she finished her statement. He swallowed the 'I like you' down there in his throat to his stomach. Did I just got rejected?  then he felt a slight pang on his chest when the realisation hit him. He got rejected.

He was speechless. He never felt this kind of weird emotion before and he never knew what rejection feels like until now.

It's like the confidence he built and his ego got destroyed just like that. The little hope he kept vanished when he heard her words.

"I-im sorry, " she murmured, "excuse me." then she turned around and open the door but before that, she looked up to face him first and when she did, she saw the glint of sadness in his eyes.

She cracked a little smile to lift the mood and took a bow as a sign of respect before she exited the room and he let her. He didn't have the energy to speak or to react. It may look like he's overreacting but he's not.

Never in his life he felt rejected until her. He saw how her small figure become smaller and smaller until she was out of sight before he closed the door and sat back on his chair, not knowing what to do.

When she was out, she released a sigh of relief but she also can't help to feel guilty.

'Was it sadness?' she thought, 'no, no Jennie. What are you thinking?! He just told you the truth, nothing more and he doesn't give a single fuck about you so stop being delusional.'

'But why would he act like that if he doesn't care?' Her other mind fought back.

She only got back her senses when she noticed Chaeyoung, snapping her out from her head full of nonsense thoughts.

"So???" Chaeyoung beamed, her voice was full of anticipation when she saw the elder entered their department.

"So what?" Jennie responded absentmindedly.

"What happened? What did he say?"

"How was it? What did she say?" Jimin asked on the other line, totally clueless about what happened just hours ago.

After their small talk, Taehyung took his time to think before he decided to call the mastermind of all this stuff, Jimin.

"Nothing important, she just said that it's nothing and shall be forgotten. That's it." He answered, bitterness was evident in his voice  while looking at his wooden door where Jennie's gorgeous body entered.

"She what??!" Taehyung had to pull the phone away from his ears when Jimin exclaimed. That high-pitched voice of his will be the cause of why he'll become deaf.

"I just told you what she said."

"So she already rejects you without her knowing?" Taehyung hummed in response.

"W-why" Jimin asked again, finding it hard to believe what he just heard.

"I don't know. She's not interested I guess." Then that weird feeling he felt earlier appeared again.


"I'm hanging up now, still have a lot of things to do, bye." Taehyung uttered and cut him off before he put the phone down.

He was back alone in his office with only his paperworks stacked on his desk. Taehyung breathed and turned his chair around to face the windows to admire the spring-seasoned Brooklyn.

The weather was fine but he's the total opposite. He's not fine. This unusual and foreign emotions he's feeling is driving him crazy.

What happened earlier didn't help, it only added to the stress in his mind. How he wished he just didn't talk to her and just allow the happening that night be forgotten. He wished that he just kept his feelings for himself and just shove it away, he wished that nothing happened between them, maybe, just maybe they could start a normal relationship.

But he never regretted meeting her because meeting Jennie Kim is one of the best things that ever happened in his life.

I just wrote this today and post 
it immediately so this chap probably

has a lot of errors.

And happy birthday to our baby mochi!💜

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