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"good morning mom!" evelyn greeted her mom who was making breakfast.

"morning sweetie," her mom replied, "hey, you aren't planning on staying back at school any later today right?"

"um i think i was supposed to stay back on campus to work on a project. why?"

"because i was talking to our neighbors earlier and invited them over for dinner. i think their son goes to your school," evelyn's mom spoke, sliding the breakfast plate over to evelyn.

evelyn hummed, stuffing her morning face with food. as evelyn ate, the house's silence was interrupted by a doorbell ring.

"i've got it," evelyn spoke, running to the door.

"good morning," a deep voice greeted her.

"hyunmin, um good morning to you too," evelyn replied, "do you need something?"

"ready to go?"

"go where?" evelyn asked, not following his train of thought.

"school .."

"OH! that's right! i forgot we're walking to school together," evelyn replied, facepalming her face, "um let me go grab my things real quick. do you want to come in?"

"no it's fine," hyunmin chuckled, "go grab your things before we're late."

"copy that," evelyn replied, running back into her house to grab her things.

"who is it?" her mom asked, walking to the door.

"oh just-"

"OH! you must be hyunmin, aren't you?" evelyn heard her mom ask, "i'm looking forward to seeing you tonight."

not wanting her mom to say anything embarrassing, evelyn ran out the door, pulling hyunmin by his arm.

"bye mom! i've got to go! love you!"

"love you too hun! have a good day kids!" evelyn's mom exclaimed.

hyunmin turned his head to politely bow and wave at evelyn's mom.

"why'd you pull me away from your mom? i was going to have a conversation," hyunmin complained.

"well i just knew she was going to say something embarrassing and like you said, we would've been late," evelyn replied with a smile.

"yeah okay," hyunmin spoke, "what did your mom mean by 'i'm looking forward to seeing you tonight'?"

"ah .. that," evelyn began, "apparently our moms are friends now and my mom invited your mom and your family over for dinner or something like that."

"ahh," hyunmin replied, pulling evelyn by her arm to the inner side of the sidewalk.

"walk on the inside of the sidewalk. let me walk on the side closer to the road," hyunmin stated, sliding his hands into his pockets.

evelyn looked up at hyunmin with a confused face, an eyebrow lifted up.

hyunmin noticed evelyn's state and smacked his lips, "i can protect you that way. if a car were to hit the sidewalk, you wouldn't be affected first. and if you were walking closer to the road, a car could easily drive by and snatch you."

"ohhh," evelyn replied, impressed, "what a gentleman."

hyunmin bit back a smile and brushed the compliment off, leaving their walk to school be a walk of comfortable silence.

"let's play a game," evelyn suggested.

"okay," hyunmin hummed.

"i'll give you three statements. two of them are truths. one of them is a lie. you have to guess which one is the lie," evelyn exclaimed, "you go first."

hyunmin parted his lips and pressed his teeth together as he began to think, "i haven't gotten my driver's license yet. i've known you since childhood, but then we stopped being friends. and i have a little sister."

evelyn let out a scoff and playfully rolled her eyes, "starting off easy? it's obviously the second one."


"how long are you going to hold onto the idea that we've known each other before the hallway incident. i've never met you in my life, hyunmin-ah," evelyn sighed.

"and plus, if i was wrong, which one was the lie? you obviously don't have a driver's license because if you did, you wouldn't be walking to school with me. and something just tells me that you're not an only child," she added.

hyunmin sighed and dug in his pocket, taking out a wallet. evelyn carefully watched as hyunmin flipped through his cards and pulled out a license.

evelyn gasped, "no way. hey- why would you waste your time by walking to school if you have a car. if you have a license, use it."

"why are you getting so upset that i have a license?" hyunmin chuckled.

evelyn shot hyunmin a death glare before looking straight and folding her arms.

"you don't have a license, do you?"

evelyn shook her head.

"well that's nothing to be ashamed of. a lot of people our age don't," hyunmin comforted.

"no that's not it. it's just that being in cars make me uncomfortable. it scares me. car crashes scare me. that's why i walk to and from school. i try to find a way out of using cars whenever i can," evelyn spoke, suddenly changing the tension.

hyunmin put his attention on evelyn as she explained her slight fear.

"and now you probably think i'm a weak girl, overthinking for nothing," evelyn sighed.

"what? i never said that. when did i say that?"

"you're thinking it."

"i wasn't thinking it, evelyn. i totally understand where you're coming from. don't think about it too much. everything you just told me did not make me change my impression of you," hyunmin spoke, genuinely meaning it all.

evelyn couldn't help but smile at hyunmin's words, dropping her head low. hyunmin let out a chuckle at her reaction, swinging an arm around evelyn's shoulders.

"did i make miss evelyn cheer up from my words? yes i did," hyunmin began, "ah it feels like a lifetime achievement. i'm going to remember this forever."

evelyn furrowed her eyebrows at hyunmin's jokes and pulled on his finger of the hand hanging off her shoulder, making him wince.

"kiddo," hyunmin teased.

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