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"oh i missed you so much," taehyun spoke, hugging evelyn tightly.

"i missed you more," evelyn replied, "what are you doing here? i thought you weren't coming home until christmas."

"well the school gave us an early break because of a snow storm over there. so i said goodbye to the states and hello to korea for a bit," taehyun smiled.

"oh look at you! you're all grown up," taehyun jokingly sniffled, bringing evelyn into another hug.

"yah evelyn—" heeseung called out, gaining the attention of both taehyun and evelyn, "why are you hugging another guy in front of me?"

evelyn smiled brightly as taehyun poked his inner cheek with his tongue, "heeseung .. this is my brother. taehyun, meet heeseung."

heeseung's eyes immediately widened. mina stood on the side, watching in amusement as taehyun stepped closer to heeseung and gave him a friendly, playful smirk.

"so you're the famous heeseung, aren't you?" taehyun asked, "i've heard so much about you from my little sis. why don't we all sit down and eat together? it's my treat."

"are you sure?" evelyn asked.

"of course. i'd love to get to know my little sister's love interest a bit more," taehyun teased, making evelyn hit his arm.

"ah i almost forgot. taehyun, this is mina. mina, this is taehyun," evelyn introduced.

taehyun gasped and smiled and mina, "so you're the mina who's been kind to evelyn? well thank you for taking care of this punk. i know she can be a lot to handle."

mina chuckled in response, while evelyn shot taehyun a death glare.

"let's go sit down," taehyun spoke.

mina and evelyn sat on one side of the table, while heeseung and taehyun sat on the other side.

"you have a baby?" taehyun asked, noticing the baby carrier.

"you two .." taehyun began, pointing at evelyn and heeseung, "no way. does mom know?"

"taehyun!" evelyn chuckled, "yes mom knows. it's a fake baby."

"what are you on? why would you be carrying a fake baby around?" taehyun questioned.

"it's for a project we're working on together," evelyn chuckled, throwing a cloth at taehyun.

"what kind of project requires two teens to carry a fake baby around?" taehyun muttered.

"it was her idea," heeseung spoke.

"it was her- you mean you got to choose what your project was going to be and out of everything .. you decided to be teen parents? what have mom and dad been feeding you while i've been overseas?" taehyun sighed.

"hey- are you just going to talk bad and ask me questions the whole time you're hear? forget about spending christmas with you," evelyn snickered.

"aish okay okay, sorry," taehyun chuckled, "so tell me. what are you three doing today?"

"we're supposed to finish filming for our project today and mina, being the amazing friend she is, is helping us," evelyn replied.

"i would ask about your project, but i simply do not care so .." taehyun began, making mina and heeseung chuckle, "tell me about the friendship between you three."

"ah! i heard you've reunited with hyunmin!" taehyun exclaimed, "how is he? i remember you two would always call each other boyfriend and gi-"

evelyn cleared her throat, "OKAY! so .. anyways.."

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