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as the four began browsing around the store with mina recording almost every bit, heeseung became stressed at the fact that evelyn tossed almost every single baby item in the cart.

"you do know that we're only keeping this baby turned on for three days right?" heeseung asked, "is all of this really necessary?"

evelyn turned to look inside the cart, sighing with a little pout, "no .. but EVERYTHING is just so cute."

"but do you have money to buy EVERYTHING?" hyunmin asked evelyn.

"no, but-"

"but i'm paying for everything, so don't worry about it. just don't buy things that won't be put to use," heeseung replied.

"you are definitely not paying for all of this by yourself. baby stuff is so expensive," evelyn spoke.

heeseung smacked his lips, "i said don't worry about it."


"if you say one more thing about who's paying, i'm dropping this baby on the floor," heeseung stated, pointing to the baby in evelyn's arms.

evelyn dramatically gasped and turned her body away from heeseung, "not the baby."

"ah! speaking of which, did you two give it a name?" mina asked, "is it a girl or boy?"



evelyn and heeseung looked at each other after hearing their different answers.

"oh boy. here comes the bickering," mina muttered.

"it's a girl," evelyn spoke.

"no, it's going to be a boy," heeseung replied.

"heeseung-ah," evelyn sighed.

heeseung lifted his eyebrows, "you know what? okay, it'll be a girl."

"really?!" evelyn exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

heeseung nodded, "but i'm choosing the name."

evelyn stayed silent before nodding, "just don't pick an idiotic name."

"olivia," heeseung suggested.

"well then olivia it is," evelyn replied, "i like it."

"um excuse me," a voice spoke.

all four turned to face a girl around their age who was dressed as an employee.

"how's everything coming along?" the girl smiled, "i'm jieun and am in charge of helping customers with newborns."

"oh- this .. it's isn't how it looks," evelyn nervously chuckled.

"oh, don't be shy about it," jieun smiled, "it's a little tough at first, but you'll come to cherish these moments as a parent."

"are you the father?" jieun asked, pointing at heeseung.

".. y-yes," heeseung replied.

jieun gasped, "well aren't you three a lovely family!"

"how many months is she?" jieun asked.

"how many months?" evelyn questioned, confused.

"olivia just made seven months," mina replied for her.

"oh! how precious!" jieun exclaimed again, "well, i wanted to check and ask if you needed help, but it looks as if you have it under control, so i'll leave you to shop, but if you need anything, i'll be around."

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