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"move .. please," evelyn spoke in a whisper, almost begging hyunmin.

"ev .." hyunmin began, "you're going to get hurt. don't do this to yourself. let's go home."

realizing that he wouldn't be listening anytime soon, evelyn stepped to the side of hyunmin, looking at heeseung and mina who had ended their kiss.

mina and heeseung stood facing hyunmin and evelyn. only a few steps separated them physically, but the scene all four had witnessed made it seem like they were miles apart.

"evelyn .. i'm so sorry," mina began, walking closer to evelyn.

"i- i did that because heeseung saw you kissing hyunmin and i- i'm sorry. plea—"

"you .. don't have to explain yourself," evelyn interrupted, "it's fine."

"it's fine?" heeseung questioned.

evelyn tried her best to smile in assurance, "you two are getting married soon. it's only right for you two to be acting like that."

"evelyn no i—" mina began.

"you saw me kissing hyunmin right?" evelyn cut mina off once again, stepping closer towards heeseung, "i'm sorry."

with that, evelyn turned away and began walking.

she walked past the bus stop because she wanted to walk out her thoughts instead.

why was she upset? she and heeseung weren't even a thing.

why did mina kiss heeseung when she saw evelyn kissing hyunmin? does mina like hyunmin? or does she like heeseung?

many thought flowed inside her mind, causing her to not pay attention to the walking signs that signaled for all walkers to stop.

evelyn took a step into the street. car horns were honked, but evelyn's attention was still not gained.

it was only with the protection of an arm that pulled her back onto the sidewalk.

she turned around, slowly bringing her gaze up.

it was heeseung.

evelyn turned around once again and faced the sidewalk, this time letting the cars pass by. however, as soon as the lights changed, evelyn proceeded her walking without a single word to heeseung.

unnoticed, heeseung continued to follow behind evelyn a few steps as she walked home. he knew that it wasn't safe for her to walk home late at night and wanted to make sure she'd get home safe even after all that occurred.

when evelyn arrived home, her mom opened the door and let her come in. evelyn's mom realized heeseung's figure and smiled, "oh hi sweetie! what are you doing? come in!"

"i think it's best if i go home right now. it's getting quite late, but thank you. have a good night ma'am," heeseung greeted before walking away.

"oh .. okay .." evelyn's mom spoke, shutting the door.

"where's heeseung? he didn't want to come in?" evelyn asked, her voice sounding slightly broken and desperate.

"he said it was late," evelyn's mom replied, "that's weird."

"did you two make up? why were you two together?"

"the complete opposite of make up," evelyn mumbled.

"mom, why do i care so much? i saw heeseung and mina kiss with my own two eyes and it feels like i'm going through a heartbreak. i broke my own heart. i should've know it was coming," evelyn spoke, breaking into tears as she shut the door to her room.

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