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it was lunch time and mina, evelyn, and hyunmin left the class building to head towards the cafeteria together.

"wow this school is bigger than i thought it would've been," mina spoke, looking around the campus, making evelyn and hyunmin chuckle.

"are we eating inside the cafeteria or outside?" hyunmin asked.

mina gasped, "you get options as to where you want to eat?"

hyunmin nodded, "it's a privilege for juniors and seniors."

"well in that case .. can we eat outside?" mina asked.

evelyn turned her head to see what hyunmin's answer would be, but he simply nodded, making mina squeal in excitement.

once the three got their food, they exited the cafeteria and sat at a table in a secluded area of the campus.

"why is everyone staring?" mina asked.

evelyn sighed, "i'd like to know as well."

before the conversation could continue, an unfamiliar girl walked up to the table and tapped evelyn's shoulder.

"heeseung's looking for you," the girl spoke.

evelyn looked around in search for him, but didn't spot him, "where is he?"

"the library."

"okay, thank you," evelyn responded for the girl to walk away.

evelyn sighed before standing up, but a hand pulled her back.

"you're not really going right?" hyunmin asked.

"you've got to eat," mina added, putting food in her mouth as well.

evelyn smiled before releasing hyunmin's hand from her arm, "don't worry guys. if i don't come back in time before lunch ends, do you mind disposing my tray?"

mina nodded.

"hyunmin-ah," evelyn chuckled, "you look as though i'm about to die. i'll try to be back before the bell."

with that, evelyn grabbed her bag and ran off to the library, spotting heeseung sitting at a table with work spread out in front of him.

"you wanted to see me?" evelyn spoke.

heeseung simply hummed.

"so .. what do you want?"

"meet me right here after school, so we can work on the project," heeseung stated, not taking his attention off his work.

"okay," evelyn replied, "you're not eating lunch?"

heeseung shook his head while evelyn looked around the empty library.

"you're not hungry? it's been hours since breakfast," evelyn spoke.

"i don't usually eat lunch nor do i eat breakfast. i'm fine," heeseung stated.

evelyn sighed, leaving heeseung in the library to walk back to hyunmin and mina. the two were done eating lunch, but were waiting for evelyn. however, she took her tray and walked away, having hyunmin and mina quickly go after her.

with hyunmin and mina following, evelyn entered the library with her tray of food and placed it on the table in front of heeseung.

"eat," evelyn demanded.

heeseung set his pen down and sighed, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at mina and hyunmin who were standing at a distance from evelyn.

"are they your bodyguards or what?" heeseung scoffed.

"can you stop being rude and childish and just eat the food?" evelyn whined.

"why are you always with him?" heeseung asked, referring to hyunmin.

"why are you always holding a grudge against him?" evelyn replied with a question.

"why are you defending him?" heeseung asked back.

"yah why are you getting upset? what's wrong with defending him?" evelyn questioned, anger building up inside of her.

"everything's wrong with defending him. i don't like it," heeseung replied.

"so should i not defend my friend just because YOU don't like it?" evelyn scoffed, "who are you to make decisions for me?"

"what? so the loser is suddenly your friend?"

evelyn maintained her anger and simply turned around to walk away, hyunmin and mina going after her.

it was the end of the school day and evelyn remembered that she couldn't meet up with heeseung after school because of the dinner with hyunmin's family.

"are you ready to go home?" hyunmin asked.

evelyn hummed, "but let me stop by the library first."

hyunmin nodded.

still being upset with heeseung's immaturity, evelyn had prepared a note that included her phone number and read "i forgot that i have plans after school, so we can't work on our project. the baby hasn't come yet so just do your part and i'll do mine."

once the two entered the library, evelyn spotted heeseung and walked over to him.

"heeseung again?" hyunmin complained.

evelyn placed the note on the table heeseung was sitting at and walked off with hyunmin beside her.

"what plans could you possibly have on a school night?" heeseung asked.

evelyn cocked her head to the side and replied, "what i do out of school is none of your business. my life should not be important to you."

"but my grade is. i care about my grade and right now, you're jeopardizing it," heeseung replied.

"keep it quiet. we're in a library," hyunmin interfered.

"oh you shut it," heeseung stated.

"listen here-" evelyn began, but was cut off by hyunmin stepping closer to heeseung.

"i'm going to need you to open your ears and listen to me very clearly," hyunmin spoke, anger evident in his voice, "i'm tired of you acting like this towards me, you hear? stop your immaturity. i'm tired."

evelyn quickly ran in between the two before something could happen. she squeezed in between the two boys and gently pushed hyunmin back, shaking her head.

heeseung eyed the two, hating the sight ahead of him.

"look, you want to know my plans? my family is having dinner with hyunmin's. there. now keep all your remarks to yourself and don't cause a scene. we still have a week to work on the project. i won't let anything happen to your grade, so calm down," evelyn spoke before taking hyunmin's wrist and walking out the library.

evelyn decided to stay quiet so that hyunmin's anger could settle down. once they exited the school gate, evelyn turned to hyunmin and smiled.

"what?" hyunmin asked, giving evelyn a look.

"i'm proud of you," evelyn spoke, poking hyunmin's arm, "you stuck up for yourself and heeseung looked slightly taken aback."

"well i've had enough," hyunmin replied.

suddenly, the tension turned serious again and evelyn's smile began fading away.

"did .. heeseung bother you a lot before i came to the school?" evelyn asked.

the silence answered evelyn's question, making her hate towards heeseung slightly increase.

"and so .. you just now stuck up for yourself? after all this time? did yo-"

"did i what?! what?!" hyunmin suddenly bursted, "what evelyn?! yes! today was the day i finally stuck up for myself in front of heeseung? why? what?"

hyunmin's sudden outburst left evelyn in shock and she was speechless.

"you know what," hyunmin spoke, "i'll see you at dinner."

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