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normally, hyunmin and evelyn would walk home together, but after the events that occurred during school, evelyn decided to head straight to heeseung's apartment.

of course after letting her parents know, evelyn walked from school to the bus stop and boarded a bus to get to heeseung's apartment which was slightly less than 10 minutes away.

lee heeseung
are you on your way?

i'm walking to the door
right now

putting her phone away, she walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. after a few minutes, she rung it again for the door to be opened by heeseung.

his eyes immediately brightened and he pulled her inside, shutting the door.

"what guards were you talking about?" evelyn asked.

"there weren't guards outside?"

evelyn shook her head.

"well in that case—" heeseung spoke.

he gently pulled evelyn's arm, making her slightly stumble. heeseung smiled and hugged evelyn tightly.

"w-what's this for?" evelyn stuttered.

"i just really needed this," heeseung mumbled.

"hyunmin didn't come?" heeseung asked, backing away, "what a surprise."

"that's something i need to talk to you about," evelyn sighed, following heeseung over to the couch, "but i need you to explain everything. why weren't you at school? why are there supposed to be guards outside of your place? and why did i hear two girls talking about you and mina getting marr—"

as if right on cue, mina appeared in the living room, seeming to have walked out from one of the rooms.

"heeseung, do you have an extra—" mina paused, "e-evelyn!"

heeseung looked back and forth between the two girls and sighed. he brought both his hands the his face and covered it for a bit.

"well i guess that answers my last question," evelyn mumbled.

"i'm sorry .. did i interrupt something?" mina asked, "i can go back into the roo—"

"no no. don't worry about it," evelyn smiled.

"i was just .. getting ready to leave," she added, standing up.

heeseung immediately stood up and held onto evelyn's hand, "no you weren't. what are you talking about? you just got here. stay .. please."

evelyn cleared her throat and sat back down, this time leaving space between her and heeseung.

"w-why weren't you two in school?" evelyn asked, putting on her best smile.

she watched as heeseung and mina shared a glance before looking away.

heeseung cleared his throat, "so .. what did you need to tell me? something about hyunmin?"

"oh .." evelyn mumbled to the fact that heeseung avoided her question.

"i uh forgot," she replied.

silence flowed through the air before heeseung said, "did you bring olivia?"

evelyn shook her head, "but i brought the camera."

she dug in her backpack for the camera and handed it to mina.

"perfect! i'll go edit the video right now," mina smiled, walking into the room she came out of before.

as soon as mina shut the door to the room, heeseung stood up and walked in front of evelyn, sitting on top of the coffee table.

two two sat across from each other, their knees brushing against each other's. heeseung looked to the side to make sure mina closed the room door completely and turned back to look at evelyn.

he let out a soft sigh before gently taking evelyn's hands in his.

"i promise it's not what it looks like. i wish i could tell you everything, but i can't. i'm sorry," heeseung whispered, hanging his head low.

"why are you apologizing?" evelyn asked with a quiet chuckle.

"look up," she softly spoke, lifting his chin.

"i have absolutely no idea what we are right now or what's going on between us," evelyn chuckled in a whisper, "but you don't need to apologize for anything. you didn't do anything wrong."

"now i want to know why you and mina skipped school together and why she's here .. with you," she mumbled, "but it's none of my business."

heeseung let out a soft chuckle, "are you .. jealous?"

evelyn's eyes widened, "j-jealous?! that word is not in my dictionary, so of course not."

"you know what i noticed?" heeseung asked.

"what?" evelyn replied bitterly in a playful manner.

heeseung smiled, "you tend to ramble a lot when you're shy."

"i- yah- stop it!" evelyn exclaimed pushing heeseung away from her, making their hands release from each other.

"it's cute," heeseung whispered before walking into the kitchen.

"what did you need to tell me about hyunmin?" he asked.

"ah .." evelyn began, "he may or may not have found out about our kiss and he may or may not have somewhat told me he .. likes me. and he may have gotten upset that i kissed you of all people. whatever that means."

heeseung's eyes widened and evelyn caught a shock of jealously appear his eyes.

"and what'd you say when he told you he likes you?" heeseung asked.

"well i didn't say anything but—"

"good," heeseung stated, walking back over to evelyn.

"don't answer him. you're for me," he cutely mumbled.

evelyn couldn't hold back a smile and replied, "isn't that a big obsessive?"

heeseung dramatically gasped, "obsessive? me? never in a million years."

evelyn began mumbling under her breath, making heeseung laugh a bit before the air became tense.

"evelyn," heeseung called out softly.

evelyn melted at heeseung's soft spoken voice and hummed.

"promise me that no matter what happens and no matter what you hear .. you won't change the way you see me. promise me that you won't distant yourself away from me," heeseung spoke.

seeing how serious heeseung seemed about his words, evelyn nodded, "i promise."

heeseung looked into evelyn's eyes with a smile and pulled her into another hug, his hand supporting the back of her head.

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