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"h-heeseung, what's w-wrong with you today?" evelyn complained, hitting his chest.

"don't call me that. don't get close to me like that. and don't talk in that tone with me," she stated in a cute angry voice.

heeseung couldn't help but smile at evelyn the whole time while she threw her little tantrum and began pacing around the room, but then he suddenly winced in pain.

"you alwa—" evelyn paused, "what's wrong?"

heeseung left evelyn unanswered and brought his hand to his back and began feeling around. he walked into the bathroom and faces his back towards the mirror, cocking his head to the side.

"you're bleeding," evelyn gasped, peeking inside the bathroom.

"it's nothing," heeseung spoke, walking out of the restroom.

evelyn let out a dramatic sigh, "that would not have happened if you had a shirt on."

"if you had a shirt on, your back would not have been scratched by the corner of the shelf that badly," evelyn added as she brought a first aid kit out from a cabinet in the bathroom.

"gosh. and you're asking me what's wrong with myself today?" heeseung chuckled, "ask yourself that. you're acting strangely .. caring today."

evelyn shot a death glare up at him and mocked him while she grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him to the bed.

"would you just sit so i could wipe this blood up? it's a deep cut."

"why are you avoiding my question?" heeseung asked, obeying evelyn's demands.

heeseung sat crisscrossed on the bed, his back facing evelyn as she wiped the dripping blood from his cut.

"what question? you didn't ask me a question. if you asked me a question, i would've replied," evelyn rambled.

"you're acting weird again."

"how am i acting weird when—"

evelyn's words were cut off by a touch of heeseung's lips being placed on hers. their lips were touching .. they were kissing. they kissed. being so caught up in the moment, evelyn hesitantly kissed back, but immediately backed up once heeseung let go.

"you just kissed m- YAH— why'd you do that?! you just .. you just took my first kiss!" evelyn exclaimed.

"you just wouldn't shut up and that was the only way i could think of to get you to shut up,"
heeseung replied.

"all you had to do was tell me 'shut up'!" she whined.

"do you have to yell so much? it's giving me a headache."

"BUT YOU— you just .. kissed me," evelyn mumbled.

"and so i've heard you the other five times you said that," heeseung smiled.

"i hate you," evelyn spoke, "put the band aid on yourself. i'm going to get my hot chocolate."

evelyn left the first aid kid on the bed for heeseung while she left the room.

little did she know, heeseung was slowly beginning to fall for her. who knew that spending one day with someone could make you feel attached to them so quick.

the wide smile on his face began to fade away when heeseung received a text message.

come home now.

heeseung let out a sigh and neatly cleaned up the bed, putting the first aid kit back where he saw evelyn take it from and walked into the living room to find evelyn.

he walked over to the couch where evelyn was sitting and showed her his phone.

"duty calls," heeseung sighed, "i've got to go."

seeing that the text was from his father, evelyn stood up, "is everything okay? do you want me to go with you?"

heeseung smiled and put his hand on her arm, caressing it, "it's fine. you should stay and get some sleep for tomorrow. it's really late."

"yeah .. okay," evelyn nodded, smiling back, "well why don't you go? i'll see you tomorrow at school."

"drive safely!" evelyn called out to heeseung as he got into his car.

"heeseung left already?" evelyn's mom asked as evelyn shut the door, "he didn't even drink his cocoa"

"it was his dad. heeseung's dad told him to return home," evelyn replied, worry filling her voice.

"which home? the one he kicked his son out of? or the one he gave his son because of a bad grade?" evelyn's mom snickered, upset about the way heeseung was being treated.

"poor boy," evelyn's dad spoke, "why didn't you ask if he wanted to stay the night here? or even with hyunmin?"

evelyn shrugged, "he keeps saying he doesn't want to be a bother. i mean i tell him that he's not. i told him that he could bring his troubles to us and we would get through it together, but he's stubborn so .. who knows what'll happen."

evelyn's mom smiled at evelyn.

"mom .. are you okay? why are you looking at me like that?"

"heeseung's a special boy to you, isn't he?" her mom asked, "i've never seen you bring a boy home or talk about a boy like this before."

"what? w-what makes you think that?" evelyn nervously chuckled, "i just met him. there's no way."

"you don't need me to give you another lecture about how your relationship with someone doesn't depend on how long you've known them, do you?" evelyn's mom sighed.

"just because you've only known heeseung for a short amount of time doesn't mean you can't have feelings for him. what really matters is how he makes you truly feel."

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