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it was the next morning and mina had created a group chat with heeseung and evelyn to discuss their plans for the day.

i've spoken to my parents
and good news, i've gotten
them to give us a day
without being followed
around. bad news is we
only have one day.

so the plan is to go out
for brunch in the morning.
after brunch, we'll try to find
a nice place for pictures and
then we'll see what goes on
from there. deal?

sounds like a plan


ah hold on. i think he's
still sleeping. but should
we pick you up or do you
want to come over to
heeseung's apartment?

it's fine. i'll go over there


setting her phone down, evelyn got ready for the day. she washed up, brushed her teeth, applied light make up, did her hair, and picked out and outfit.

evelyn's outfit:

•"STOP! you look stunning," mina gasped, opening the door to heeseung's apartment for evelyn to step in

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"STOP! you look stunning," mina gasped, opening the door to heeseung's apartment for evelyn to step in.

"really? is this a bit too dressy?" evelyn asked.

"not at all! this is perfect!" mina exclaimed.

"heeseung's getting ready right now. do you want some coffee or anything? or are you just going to wait until we go to the café?" mina asked.

"just wait," evelyn smiled.

"you're here so early?" evelyn spoke.

"me? what do you mean?" mina asked, "i'm living here now."

"y—" evelyn paused, "oh."

mina hummed, "what's taking him so long? i had to tell him to change again because at first he was going to leave the house in sweats and a hoodie. can you believe that?"

"no way," evelyn chuckled, still stumped about the fact that mina was living with heeseung now.

"i'll be right back," mina told evelyn, running into a room.

"hey mina, can you help me put this—" heeseung stopped, making eye contact with evelyn.

he gave evelyn a quick up and down look before smiling, "good morning."

"morning," evelyn smiled back.

"do you think you could help me with this?" heeseung asked, walking closer to evelyn with a watch in his hand.

he handed the watch to evelyn, putting his arm out as evelyn took the watch, their fingers softly brushing against each other.

"how can you have a watch but not know how to put it on?" evelyn chuckled, putting the watch on for heeseung.

Irresistible||Lee HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now