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"what do you mean?"

heeseung shrugged his shoulders, "i miss having dinners with my parents. i miss laughing with them, having vacations with them, feeling love from them. i miss them."

"ever since they began rising in finances and fame with their company, it's like they've been ashamed to recognize me as their son. i don't get it. i've done everything to try and get them to at least smile at me, but nothing works."

"it's been four years since i last had a meal with my parents at one table. all four years of high school have been lonely. my parents weren't there for me when i needed help with school. they never showed up to important school events. i was always just a kid, while everyone else was a kid with parents," heeseung spoke.

with the blessings she had, evelyn felt extremely sad for heeseung, wanting to comfort him in every way possible.

heeseung looked at evelyn and smiled, "why are you so quiet? it's making me feel like i said something wrong."

"you didn't," evelyn shook her head, giving him a sympathetic smile, "i .. just don't exactly know what to say."

"i'm sorry you have to go through that," she added.

"i was sorry for myself too," heeseung replied, "but it's been going on for so long. i'm kind of used to it."

"don't—" evelyn began, letting out a short sigh, "don't use that as an excuse. no one could ever get used to be ignored and treated like that by their parents heeseung. i know you're going through it and i know you're hurt."

"i can hear it in your voice. ever since that day at your house .. you— i can tell you're hurt and tired. but i don't want you to feel that way. you can always stay at hyunmin's place. his parents are super nice and- and you can even come stay at my house for a bit. i'm sure my mom already loves you and my dad would come to love you as well," evelyn chuckled.

"just .. we're friends, right?" she asked.

heeseung jokingly ignored evelyn's question and scratched his neck, making evelyn slightly shove his shoulder and laugh.

"well either way, you have hyunmin, mina, and i. we may not all be close, but don't go through your troubles alone. take it to us and we'll solve it together. we'll go through it together step by step," evelyn stated, meaning ever word.

"ouu look at evelyn," heeseung smiled, nudging her shoulder, "but .. thank you. i think talking to someone about everything was what i needed most."

"of course," evelyn grinned, "come talk to me about anything anytime. you want ice cream at 3 a.m.? i'm only one phone call away and we'll go get it. you need company? call me. you want to go for a walk? call me. you need someone to go baby shopping with? can you guess what you should do?"

"call you," heeseung replied with a chuckle, making evelyn furrow her eyebrows.

"absolutely not," evelyn shook her head, "i think i made you go broke after today's shopping. if not, i definitely could've."

"eh don't worry," heeseung shrugged it off.

in a matter of seconds, it began pouring down, making the two jump up in shock.

evelyn dug out an umbrella from the baby bag and opened it to cover the baby carrier.

"come here," evelyn laughed, pulling heeseung's arm.

"yah- what are you doing? are you trying to catch a cold?" heeseung exclaimed, taking his jacket off to cover evelyn's head.

evelyn let out a chuckle and began twirling around in the rain, holding onto heeseung's jacket above her head.

"you look ridiculous," heeseung scoffed with a slight smile.

"oh come here," evelyn replied, taking heeseung's hands and spinning the two around in a circle, "it's been forever since i've done this."

"what? purposely dancing in the rain to give yourself a cold?" heeseung asked, blinking away the raindrops on his eyelashes.

"no .. well just the dancing in the rain part," evelyn smiled, "sometimes you just have to break away from reality and do the unimaginable."

"dancing in the rain isn't unimaginable, but it .. it's really nice, especially when you need to break away from life for a bit."

after dancing and laughing with evelyn for a bit, heeseung became exhausted and sat down on the ground, letting the rain fall down on him.

evelyn saw this and sat down right next to him. she brought her knees close to her chest and placed her arms on her knees. resting her chin on her arms, she turned her head to look up at heeseung.

"feel any better?" evelyn asked.

heeseung hummed and looked into evelyn's eyes, giving her a soft nod, "definitely."

"aren't you glad you met me?" evelyn sassily joked, playfully flicking her wet hair back.

"in all honesty .." heeseung began, "i think you're crediting yourself too much."

evelyn parted her lips in dismay, making heeseung laugh. he pulled her in and gave her arm a soft rub, "i'm completely joking."

"you better be," evelyn replied threateningly, but cutely.

the two stayed on the ground in that same position for a good while in silence. heeseung leaned back with his outer arm supporting him up, while his other arm was on evelyn's shoulder. evelyn still had her arms wrapped around her knees that were pulled up to her chest, but was gently leaning on heeseung's body, her head resting on her shoulder.

"evelyn," heeseung softly called out, receiving a hum.

"i think we should get going. if we stay out in the rain longer, you might catch a cold," heeseung spoke, "it's getting later too and we have school tomorrow."

"ugh," evelyn groaned, "did you really have to ruin this perfect moment with a reminder of school?"

heeseung chuckled, "well tomorrow is friday, so we have a whole weekend to rest."

"but i also don't want to get in trouble with your parents if you catch a cold," heeseung spoke.

evelyn laughed at heeseung's honesty, "yeah .. good thinking."

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