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"hyunmin," mina spoke out of nowhere, "don't do this."

"i just need a clear answer," hyunmin stated.

"i—" evelyn began, "hyunmin, what's wrong with you? what happened? i .. really don't want to hurt you."

"you don't want to hurt me?" hyunmin mumbled, "well i've got myself an answer."

evelyn and mina watched together as hyunmin walked away, but not towards the classroom building. he walked out of the school gates.

"skipping school?" heeseung questioned, standing next to the two, "what happened?"

"isn't he doing a bit too much for getting rejected?" mina asked.

"you rejected him?" heeseung exclaimed.

"no," evelyn replied, keeping her eyes on hyunmin's disappearing figure.

"i don't think it's about rejection at all because he didn't get rejected. it's more than that," she added, beginning to walk off, "see you in class."

leaving mina and heeseung confused, evelyn walked away and into the class building.

"what's wrong with her now?" mina asked, receiving a shrug from heeseung.

"what'd they talk about?"

"he made her choose .. between you and him," mina replied.

"wrong move dude. wrong move," heeseung sighed, "why would he do that? i wouldn't even do that."

"well go talk to her and comfort her. what are you doing here?" mina asked.

"evelyn might get the wrong idea if you're staying with me instead of her," she mumbled.

"you're right. i should go," heeseung smiled, not hearing mina's other words, "thanks."

"of course. it's only right," mina replied in a mutter once heeseung ran off.

it was time to present their projects and per teacher's request, evelyn and heeseung went first.

they began with their slideshow of all the things they came together with, following it with the video.

the video started out with a clip of heeseung and evelyn jokingly argue over who would be paying for the baby things, which started up whispers of amusement.

following that was the clips that were filmed by mina from the dinner and then clips of heeseung and evelyn at the park, dancing and sitting in the rain together.

heeseung slightly gasped, "you filmed that?"

"what? of course not!" evelyn replied, "i guess the camera was on the entire time i don't know."

the next clip were the ones that mina captured from the café and pretty scenery place.

yes, evelyn and heeseung hadn't viewed the video before presentation because they trusted mina, but they definitely weren't expecting a masterpiece like that.

the video then ended with the picture of evelyn on heeseung's back while heeseung held olivia in his arms with a quote that said "strangers. friends. lovers. family."

once the video ended, the two received many applauses as they looked at mina and mouthed a 'thank you'.

"wow you two .." their teacher began, "you two really set the bars up high for this project. it was amazing."

"thank you," evelyn chuckled, "with the help from mina, we're glad you enjoyed our presentation."

"of course of course," their teacher smiled, "but i must ask .. are you two .. you know—"

understanding what she meant, evelyn widened her eyes and shook her head "no ma'am! t-that's not the .. no."

"ah i see," the teacher chuckled.

it was lunch time and heeseung, evelyn, and mina were walking to the cafeteria together.

"mina!" evelyn exclaimed, "that video was AMAZING!"

"thank you," mina chuckled.

"evelyn," heeseung began, "why do you keep telling people 'it's not what it looks like'?"

evelyn looked at mina first before looking at heeseung with a shocked expression, "h-heeseung .. why is this so sudden? are you okay bec—"

"no!" heeseung suddenly exclaimed, "i'm not okay! i'm not okay because you keep denying what we have right in front of me and it's .. it's upsetting."

"upsetting? were you not just telling me you didn't want anything to get serious the other day? what else am i supposed to do? isn't this what you want?" evelyn asked.

"heeseung .. evelyn," mina began, not wanting their group's friendship to break even more, "i'm sure yo—"

"how do you know what i want? is it what you want? i don't want to be in the way of your life. don't put that blame on me," heeseung replied to evelyn.

"i'm not blaming you for anything! why are you getting mad at me?" evelyn exclaimed back.

"i'm not mad! stop assuming things. i don't want you to assume things about me," heeseung stated, walking off.

"wait- heeseung!" mina called out.

"evelyn," she whined, "what's happening? what's wrong with you all!"

"i don't even know," evelyn mumbled, "that was stupid."

"i know it was! so go apologize!"

"me? apologize? no way," evelyn scoffed, "he started it."

"he started— wah," mina gasped, "what a love between two kids. oh my."

"unbelievable," mina mumbled before walking off.

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