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"a 93 on your exam? going out this late? causing trouble on school campus? what do you think this is? some kind of joke?" an angered man sternly spoke to heeseung.

frightened by the man's harsh tone, evelyn slightly jumped up. one of the guards directed hyunmin and evelyn to a separate part of the house, letting the man and heeseung have privacy.

although the two were in a separate room, they were still able to hear the loud voice of the man and see what was going on.

"and who do you think you are bringing those two strangers into my home? aren't you embarrassed to even have friends with the grades you have?" the man asked.

"the only thing i'm embarrassed about is having to let them see what a father i have," heeseung spoke bitterly.

following his words, heeseung received a slap across his face, shocking hyunmin and evelyn.

"how dare you speak back to me?"

"you asked me a question and i simply replied," heeseung scoffed, "yet my answer did not satisfy you, so you slapped me. shocking."

"what has gotten into you, son?"

"son? son," heeseung repeated, "haven't heard that in years. haven't heard that all my life. what's gotten into me? nothing. nothing has changed. since the day mom married to you, i've been miserable. you're just too blinded by materialistic things to realize."

"what are you talking about?" the man asked, "i've given you money, gifts, things time in and time out. i've provided shelter and clothing for you yet you act so ungrateful."

"i act ungrateful? i never asked for you to give me anything, did i? i never asked for you to provide me with anything, did i? all you care about is that i excel in school so i can take over your company. all you care about is you," heeseung replied.

"how can you say i only care about myself when i watch over you so that you could take over the company? i care for you. that's why i want you to take over the company," the man spoke.

"but that's not what i want!" heeseung exclaimed, "you say that you care about me, but you've never truly thought about me as your son. all you care about is your company."

"you put so much pressure on me to excel in school and that's why i try so hard. i try so hard to do well so that i could catch your attention just once. you've never welcomed me into your life as your son. i'm tired of living up to your expectations. i don't want to do that anymore."

the house was filled with silence as the father and son argued.

although it had nothing to do with her, evelyn had tears filling her eyes as she understood what heeseung was feeling. she understood what it felt like to try and live up to expectations. the sight of heeseung and his father helped her get a better understanding of his behavior towards others and it made her want to comfort him.

"yeah well you don't always get what you want in life," the man replied.

"wow," heeseung scoffed, "that's all you have to say?"

with no response, heeseung shook his head, "typical."

he turned and left the house, slamming the door. seeing heeseung leave, evelyn and hyunmin quickly followed out the house behind him.

keeping at a far distance behind heeseung, evelyn and hyunmin walked side by side, still trying to process everything in their minds.

"what do we do now?" evelyn whispered, "should we talk to him?"

hyunmin immediately shook his head, "we should give him space to cool off. he needs it."

evelyn nodded in agreement, "well i know him and he's ignorant. after what happened, he definitely won't go back home. we should let him stay the night at one of our houses. i'll offer him the invite."

"heeseung? with you? at your house?" hyunmin questioned, "absolutely not. i won't let."

"well i know you won't let him stay at your place and we are definitely not letting him sleep on the streets, so we have to do something. come one hyunmin," evelyn pleaded.

hyunmin sighed, "he can stay at my house. BUT no where near you."

evelyn brightly smiled and nodded, "deal."

she began to skip towards heeseung with hyunmin following her. once she got to the side of him, she became cautious of her words and actions.

"um heeseung," evelyn cleared her throat, "i know you probably want some space right now, but i also know that you're probably not going back to your home tonight, so hyunmin's willing to let you stay the night."

"we definitely don't want you sleeping outside tonight, especially in the cold, so unless you have somewhere else to stay, spend the night with hyunmin, yeah?"

heeseung turned to look at hyunmin, "you're fine with it?"

hyunmin nodded.

"thanks man," heeseung slightly smiled.

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