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"evelyn! what are you doing?" heeseung asked.

evelyn paused and turned to face heeseung, "i should be the one to ask you that. what are you doing? you just embarrassed mina in front of all those people. you did that in front of all those people. what are your parents going to think? what is mina going to think? why?"

"why'd you do that?" she asked with a sense of begging in her voice.

"i can't bring myself to take someone's hand in marriage if that someone isn't you," heeseung replied.

"heeseung, no," evelyn whispered, "you can't do this."

"don't do this to mina. don't do this to your parents. don't do this to yourself. just because of me? no .." she spoke, "i'm not worth it."

"don't say that," heeseung shook his head, "you're worth everything. i'm in love with you. you're the first person i've said that to. i experienced most of my firsts with you. first friend. first kiss. first hug. first love. i meant it when i told you that i want you in my future. i'm a man of my words and i still mean every part of that."

"i know you do baby," evelyn whispered, "i know. i believe you. but you've got a whole audience in there who's rooting for you and mina. i'm practically nothing compared to her."


"lee heeseung," a firm voice spoke.

evelyn and heeseung both turned around to see heeseung's parents walking towards them. heeseung stood right in front of evelyn as mina and hyunmin watched from the side.


heeseung's father slapped him.

"i'm tired of you. do you hear me? what a disappointment. i ask you to do one thing for me. for the family. yet you go running off," his father scoffed.

"for you? for the family? what family? as far as i'm concerned, all you care about is your company. i'm not doing this for you. i was forced into it. you have not looked at me like the fatherly figure you're supposed to be. all you've done is neglect me time in and time out. i shouldn't have came here in the first place," heeseung spoke, anger evident in his voice.

evelyn took a step closer to heeseung's back and held his hand, giving in a tight squeeze.

"honey," heeseung's mom tired to stop his dad from taking the situation any further.

"you ran out because of her, didn't you?" heeseung's father asked, pulling heeseung out the way, revealing evelyn.

"sir, with all do respect, i—"

evelyn's words were cut off when she realized heeseung's father's arm was raising up to her face.

"father!" heeseung exclaimed.

evelyn gasped and shut her eyes tight, ready for a hard impact across her face, but instead, she heard a loud slap hit something else.

she opened her eyes to see that mina was standing in front of her.

"mr. lee!" another voice exclaimed, "that is unacceptable."

a woman and man approached mina, looking at heeseung's parents.

"maybe it was a good idea for heeseung to walk out. i've seen how you've been treating your son. i've heard about it as well. heeseung is an amazing boy, but you're too blind to see that. i do not want my daughter calling you 'father-in-law' if you're going to be hitting her like that," the woman lectured.

during the whole argument, heeseung managed to walk next to evelyn, taking her hand and secretly running away from the scene.

"heeseung!" evelyn exclaimed silently, "i don't think this is the right time to be running away!"

"trust me," heeseung chuckled, "i don't think you want to see my dad angry any further. let's go."

he got on one knee and patted his back, signaling for evelyn to hop on him.

"what are you doing?"

"you're in a dress and heels princess," heeseung spoke, "i don't want you running."

"did you just call me .. p-princess?" evelyn stuttered as heeseung carried her out the building.

"yes i did. you called me 'baby' and i want to have my own name for you," heeseung replied.

evelyn stayed silent as heat began to rise to her cheeks. sooner than later, they arrived outside on the rooftop.

"what are we doing up here?" evelyn asked, fixing her dress once heeseung set her down.

heeseung shrugged as he walked over to the railing and leaned on it, sighing.

they stayed distant in silence until evelyn walked closer to him and attatched her arms around his waist, giving him a back hug.

heeseung turned around so that they could properly hug, but this time around, the hug was different. evelyn could feel that heeseung really needed it.

"you've always been apologizing even when it's not your fault, but this time i want to apologize. not because it's my fault, but because i'm watching the person i love get hurt and i can't do anything about it," evelyn muttered, "i'm so sorry seungie."

"you don't deserve any of this," she added, caressing the side of his cheek that was slapped by his father.

"i've seen you change for the better and i couldn't be more proud of you. if your dad doesn't want to recognize that, i will," evelyn spoke.

"listen to me," evelyn softly spoke, looking dearly into heeseung's eyes, "i—"

"evelyn," heeseung interrupted with a slight smile.


"be my girlfriend."

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