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throughout dinner, all four high school students enjoyed the time together. they got much closer and found a lot more about each other during that one sitting and it was a break from reality for them ..

until olivia suddenly began crying.

she was lying in the baby carrier so that heeseung could eat without having to carry her, but hearing her cries, both heeseung and evelyn stood up to go by olivia's side.

"did you pack the milk bottle that your mom made earlier?" heeseung asked evelyn, receiving a nod.

evelyn took olivia into her arms, while trying to dig for the milk bottle in the baby bag they brought.

seeing evelyn struggle, heeseung went by evelyn's side and grabbed the bottle for her.

"i'll feed her," heeseung spoke, "finish your food."

"no no," evelyn denied, "go eat. i'm almost done anyways."

heeseung cocked an eyebrow up and looked down and evelyn's plate.

"evelyn, nothing on your plate has gone in your mouth," he stated, "give me."

sighing in defeat, evelyn handed olivia to heeseung and they both took their seat.

"hey," mina spoke up, "have you two figured out how you're going to put all of this into one video?"

evelyn shook her head, "i'll figure it out."

"we'll figure it out," heeseung corrected, "together."

"hey, hey, hey," mina cringed, "stop it you two."

"if you want, i can take care of that part for you," mina offered, "i love editing videos and would love to put this together for you two."

"are you sure?" evelyn asked.

mina nodded, "since i'm not participating in this project, it's the least i could do."

"oh i'm so glad you transferred to our school," evelyn sighed in relief, "thank you thank you."

"you're very welcome," mina smiled.

as the night went on, evelyn took over carrying olivia. although she was a doll, she did look extremely real and it made the whole experience feel real too.

"hyunmin," evelyn spoke, "you good? you've been quiet all day."

hyunmin lifted his head from his phone and looked at heeseung at the corner of his eye, "what? y-yea. i'm fine. just a little tired."

mina and evelyn exchanged a glance with each other due to hyunmin's strange behavior.

"o-okay," evelyn nodded.

"speaking of which, it's getting kind of late, so i'm going to get my mom to come pick me up," hyunmin spoke.

"are you sure? we can end the day here and i could drop you all off," heeseung offered.

"no, it's fine," hyunmin replied.

ten minutes later, hyunmin's mom arrived at the restaurant and texted hyunmin, telling him she arrived.

"hey, hyunmin," mina spoke, "do you think your mom could drop me off too? i should get home."

"yea of course," hyunmin replied.

"i'll go pay for all of this," mina smiled.

"no no, i'll take care of it," heeseung stated.

"if you two are leaving right now, we'll see you in school tomorrow yeah?" evelyn spoke.

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