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it was monday, the day of heeseung and evelyn's project presentation.

to her surprise, heeseung appeared at her front door and came to take her to school. they made sure they had everything they needed for the presentation, which was just a flash drive that contained their powerpoint and the video that was put together by mina.

"about that ball .." evelyn began, breaking the comfortable silence of the car, "why did you two suddenly ask me to go?"

heeseung kept his eyes on the road and shrugged, "well we're allowed to invite a guest so why not?"

"and plus .. it's my excuse to spend time with you," heeseung cheekily added, turning to smile at evelyn.

"touché mr. lee," evelyn chuckled, "touché."

once they arrived at school, they exited the car and walked into the gates together, but their conversation still continued.

"you told me about the ball. you invited me and bought me a dress, but you never told me when it is or what it's for," evelyn acknowledged.

"ah right .. well it's this thursday, so yes it's on a school day. but don't worry, my dad took care of that situation with the school. and and uh- i think it's best if you didn't know the reason for it," heeseung sighed, "you'll find out there."

"o-okay .." evelyn spoke, confused about what he meant.

"so your dad just finessed the school system like that?" she chuckled, receiving a cute shrug and look from heeseung.

"and it's at 6 pm, but it's going to take at least five hours to get ready," heeseung spoke, making evelyn's eyes widened.

"you said f-five? as in one, two, three, four, FIVE?"

"yes," heeseung chuckled, "and you also don't have to worry about a thing. i've gotten that day handled so all you have to do is be there. but we still have a long week ahead of us."

"right," evelyn sighed, "but i literally haven't even asked my parents for permission to go. they'd be absolutely out of their mind to let me go somewhere on a school day."

"well call it out of their minds, but i already spoke to them for you so you're allowed to go. why else would i buy the dress for you?"

"you spoke to my parents? when? how? huh?"

"magic," heeseung winked, making evelyn jokingly scoff.

"you know .. i really don't want to present the project. something about speaking in front of everyone makes me feel uneasy," evelyn groaned.

"well you're about to feel uneasy in three, two, one—"

"evelyn, let's talk," hyunmin spoke, suddenly appearing.

"o-oh .. okay. sure," evelyn nodded.

"alone," hyunmin stated, eyeing heeseung.

"listen here bud," heeseung began, but was stopped by the touch of evelyn's hand on his.

"i promise it'll be quick," evelyn assured, giving his hand a tight squeeze.

"let's talk," she told hyunmin, seeing that his eyes were fixed on her hand that was on heeseung's.

she walked away from heeseung with hyunmin as they walked in silence.

"so what did y-"

"i'm sorry," hyunmin suddenly spoke, "i'm really sorry for everything, but .."

"i need an answer."

"i'm .. i'm not sure what you mean," evelyn replied.

"is it me or heeseung?"

"what— hyunmin," evelyn chuckled, reaching out for his arm only for hyunmin to pull it away.

"you don't actually want me to pick between you and heeseung right?" evelyn asked.

"i don't want you to pick. i need you to pick."

"me or heeseung?"

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