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Gumusservi (n.) - moonlight shining on water


Liyah's POV

OK I can't stand this maybe something happened to him and I'm just here chilling when he's done so much for me.

I started my car and drove around Seoul in the middle of the night.

I went to places that maybe could have gone to.... But no I didn't find him.

I asked around for many strangers showed them his pictures but nope they haven't seen him.

The hell Lee Felix where are you, This is the first time that I got so frustrated over a person.

Does this mean?..... No it can't be see Felix as a brother..... But Feelings can change right?

While I was busy thinking to myself I heard the lius thunder and I think it was signalling me to go home already.

The night had passed but I still haven't seen or heard from Felix. I was getting pretty late so i just went to school maybe he would be there. Right?

I waited patiently on my seat hoping Felix would show up, Minutes had passed but Felix didn't show up I almost lost hope when I saw a familiar silhouette entered the classroom and It was Felix!

But I wonder where did he spend the night, he looked drunk I could smell soju from him. Did he drink last night? But why didn't he just told me?

I was worried sick, I almost went up his seat when he just fell asleep right after he saw me.

He rested his head on his table and dozed off.

I quickly looked for Hyunjin, Chan and Minho

"Minho did you and Felix went to a bar last night?" Liyah

"No, he didn't called me or texted me"

"This isn't like Felix at all.." Trust me I know because ummm I lived with him for almost two months now.

If I'm really correct he went to the bar last night.... But why didn't he just told me I would have understand.

Wait why do people drink? Did something happened with him? Wait he was fine yesterday, If I connect the dots properly.... He changed his mood after lunch was over so something must have happend during lunch.

I got distracted from my thoughts when I saw Hyunjin entering the classroom.

Third Person's POV

Hyunjin entered the room and Felix is the first person to caught his attention. He quickly walked to Felix's seat.

"Bro you know you smell like sujo do you and these were still the clothes you wore yesterday, did you even go home? " Hyunjin said trying to wake up his friend.

Felix didn't move even a little bit.

" You can rest at the clinic for a bit I'll just explain to our teacher" Chan said.

"Thanks bro you're the best" Felix left his seat and head straight to the school clinic.


Liyah's POV

Felix left the room without glancing even once or talked to me. Did I do something wrong to piss him off? I quickly recall all the things I've done yesterday. But I don't remember talking to him yesterday at all.

I'll just visit him at the clinic at lunch today to cheer him up.

"Hyunjin can spare me a moment?" he came up to me and pulled his chair.

"By any chance do you know what happened to Felix yesterday? When I asked that Chan scooted over to us.

" Well yesterday out of nowhere he just asked me to drink with him he said that he wants someone to accompany him and I had no choice"

"He didn't tild any reason? Chan said.

"No not at all" Hyunjin replied

"That guy he was just at the bar last night and I was worried sick about him I even went out last night to find him.... I tried calling him multiple times but he wouldn't pick up"


Felix's POV

I know what I did was very immature of me, I still can't think straight, I wish I brought hangover pills.

I was about to close my eyes and go to sleep but I heard someone enter the room and it was...

"Channie-hyung?" What are you doing here... is class over already?" Felix

"No not yet I just excused myself to Mrs. Kim and she totally understood... and I came here to bring you hangover medicine and other stuff" Chan

"really thanks bro" I was disapointed a bit I though Liyah would be the first one to visit me here but I'm grateful I have a friend like Chan he's like a big brother to me.

" I also brought you gym clothes because you really smell like soju right now and don't worry I haven't wore those yet and Hyunjin made tea for you" Chan

"I didn't know that you guys cared about this much" I smiled and reached Chan to hug him.

"Well before I go explain to me first... Why did you go out and drank last night knowing we have school today, this isn't like you Felix, everyone is really worried about you especially Liyah, she didn't know what to do, she was shaking the whole time."

Liyah worried about me? I thought after she became Minho's girlfriend she won't notice me anymore.

" R-really? " Felix

"Of course, now tell me what's wrong, you know we've been friends for years, you can tell me anything I won't judge you" Chan

Chan has a point there's no use if I keep all these things to myself, It won't change anything.

"w-well I saw Minho confessing his feelings for Liyah yesterday at the rooftop...and he was asking her to be his girlfriend, he doesn't care about me and Liyah being married or anything and he said he'll wait until we'll get an annulment or something, then Liyah complimented Minho before she answered him...and she looked like she'll say yes, before she could answer I left because I don't want to see it." I can't believe I said that, now to think about it I didn't really think about my decisions.

"Ohhh that's why.....but I don't think Liyah will just decide without telling you, I know she's more responsible than that, but did you really heard Liyah saying YES?" Chan

"Well I didn't thought about that....but I think she'll say yes so I didn't let her finished talking" Felix

"Maybe that's what you thought" Chan

I hate it when Chan hyung is always right but this I hope he really is.


I have nothing to say lol

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