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Marty nervously walked up to the DeLorean. Y/n, too shocked to move, just stood there. 'How the hell is this happening?' She thought to herself. Marty opened the door of the time machine and winced, letting it go.

"What? What? Is it hot?" Y/n asked Marty, now walking towards him. Marty shook his hand, "No it's cold! Air cold," he trailed off.

"What the hell is the DeLorean doing here? Where's my Uncle Doc? What the hell is going on?" Y/n asked, her breathing was unsteady, she felt as if she was going to have a panic attack.

Marty put his hand to her cheek, "Hey. Hey, hey Y/n. It's okay, we'll figure out why it's here," Marty said, trying his best to stay calm to not worry his girlfriend more than she already was.

"Marty we saw it get crushed by a train! This doesn't make any sense," Y/n exclaimed pointing at the time machine. Marty rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "This is heavy," he agreed.

Y/n opened the time machine and sat in the drivers seat. She looked around and on the passengers seat there was a tape recorder. Y/n picked it up and pressed the play button, nervously.

"Y/n! Marty!" Doc's voice said from the recording. Y/n let out a scream and dropped the tape recorder on the passengers seat. Marty leaned down to Y/n and looked up at her, hearing his name on the recording.

Then Doc continued to talk, "If my calculations are correct, you should be hearing this recording after seeing the time machine in front of my garage. I need your help! I built a new time machine with a automatic retrieval system. The DeLorean was programmed for you to come to help me here on the date-some ones coming," Doc said, the recording cutting out.

Marty looked confused and stood up from the ground. Y/n got up and started pacing back and forth. "Y/n, where's Doc? What is he talking about?" Marty asked, knowing that his girlfriend was smart enough to decode what Doc said.

"He built another time machine, the reasons right know are unknown but we'll find out when we find him," Y/n said, collecting all of her thoughts.

Marty let out a stressful breath, "What is an automatic retrieval system?" he asked out of breath.

Y/n stopped pacing and looked at Marty, "It's a program that Uncle Doc installed in the time machine. It lets the DeLorean know where and when to go in the space time continuum," Y/n said.

"English, beautiful," Marty trailed off. Y/n nodded, "Right! Um it's like the time circuits and the flux capacitor have a mind of their own, it's actually pretty brilliant. It must be future technology!" She exclaimed, making the same face her Uncle would when realizing something.

"Oh this is heavy," Marty said again, rubbing the back of his neck. Then he started to think and realized something, "We have to find out the date! The recording cut out, we can't save him unless we know where-when he is!" Marty exclaimed.

"I know, future boy. There must be something in the DeLorean that will give us a clue," Y/n said getting back into the drivers side of the time machine. Marty went around to the passengers side and opened the door getting in.

He looked around and then saw an old shoe, "What's this?" he asked Y/n, picking up the shoe and showing it to her.

Confused, Y/n took the shoe from Marty. "Well it looks to be a shoe. Do you think it might be Clara's. Oh my god! What if Clara is in trouble too. What about Jules and Verne!" Y/n freaking out again. She dropped her head on the steering wheel.

Marty felt bad, he put his arm on her back, rubbing it comfortably. Y/n lifted her head up and looked at Marty, "Sorry, I need to calm down," she said, letting out an unsteady breath.

Marty shook his head, "Don't be sorry. Your worried about you family. You have every right to be feeling this way," Marty said, reassuringly.

Y/n leaned onto Marty's side, "We're going to find out the date, and then we're going to go there and save my Uncle Doc," Y/n said.

Marty looked at her and nodded, "Have any idea's?" Marty asked.

Mary and Y/n got out of the DeLorean. Y/n still holding the shoe, examined it, "I think this shoe is important," Y/n said. Before Marty could respond, Einstein came running towards Y/n knocking her over and grabbing the shoe from her hand. The last time Doc and Clara had visited, Doc took Einstein back with him. They hadn't seen him since.

"Woah! Einstein!" Marty exclaimed, helping Y/n up off the ground. Y/n grabbed Marty's hand and they looked at each other, wondering how Einstein had gotten here. Einstein was chewing the shoe.

"Einstein do you know who's that is?" Y/n asked. Leaning down to face Einstein. Einstein dropped the shoe and barked. Marty walked to Y/n and leaned down beside her, "Einstein how are you here, boy," he said rubbing the dog's ears. Einstein picked up the shoe and ran towards the town square.

"You think maybe he knows?" Marty asked Y/n. Y/n nodded, "You bet you sweet ass, future boy. Come on let's follow him," she said, taking his hand.

𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐏𝐓.𝐕 Where stories live. Discover now