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Emmett, Y/n and Marty all walked to where Harold Jacobson lived. Y/n wondered if her mother was there, she then nervously started playing with the gold locket around her neck.

Emmett took the subpoena out of his folder and rang to doorbell of his apartment. The window above opened and out popped the head of Harold Jacobson. "Who's there?" he asked.

Y/n stepped out from where Marty and Emmett were and saw the face of her father. Her mouth slightly opened, she never really knew what he looked like, and now she did.

"It's me, Emmett Brown. I need you to come down, there's something me and my associates need to give you," Emmett said. Y/n and Marty suppressed a laugh when they heard the word 'associates'. It was exactly what they would have imagined a young Doc to say.

"Oh no, I can't leave up here until my boss says I can,sir," Harold said. Y/n and Marty let out a breath of disbelief. "God I swear when I see Kid Tannen, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind," Y/n whispered to Marty. Marty put an arm around her shoulder, "I'll help you," he replied.

"It's no use, he won't come down. And he won't even let us up. It's like he's hiding something," Emmett said, shaking his head dramatically. 'Yeah, he is hiding something. My mother," Y/n thought to herself.

"How do we get him to come down?" Y/n asked . Marty then had an idea, he pulled Y/n aside, "You still got that tape recorder?" he asked her.

Y/n nodded and then turned back to Emmett, "We can convince him to come down. We'll even give him the subpoena," Y/n offered, guessing that Emmett had other work to do.

"That would help, immensely! Thank you!" Emmett exclaimed, handing Y/n and Marty the subpoena.

"No problem," Marty trailed off, watching as Emmett ran back to the courthouse.

"What's your plan, future boy?" Y/n asked, impressed. Marty pulled Y/n closer to him. "We're gonna pay Kid Tannen a visit," Marty said.

Marty and Y/n headed to the town square to try and record Kid Tannen's voice. "Okay we have to provoke him somehow. Get him to yell at us, but not shoot," Y/n said, trying to figure out a way to get Kid Tannen's voice on a tape recorder.

Marty stopped walking and turned to her, "I'm going to be the one to provoke him, not you. I don't want to risk you getting hurt. The last time you provoked a Tannen, you almost died," Marty told Y/n.

Y/n nodded, recalling the very painful memory of being hanged and passing out, because of Mad Dog Tannen. But it wasn't just that, she was also punched in the face by Biff Tannen in 1955, trying to get an almanac that Marty had bought in 2015. It was clear that through Y/n and Marty's adventure through time that the Tannen family didn't like her.

"Please, be careful, future boy," Y/n said to Marty, concern in her eyes. Marty smiled at the loving action of his girlfriend and lightly pressed a kiss to her lips, "Always am, doll," he replied cheekily.

'That's debatable, but I'll let him have his moment,' Y/n thought, as Marty and her continued to walk to town square.

"Alright give me the tape recorder and wait over near the soup kitchen," Marty told Y/n. Y/n nodded, taking the tape recorder out of her purse and handing it to Marty.

"Check, future boy," she said, smiling at him. She kissed him lightly on the lips for good luck and walked over to the soup kitchen.

Marty spotted Kid Tannen in front of a shoe parlor, getting his shoes shined. The man shining his shoes looked familiar but Marty couldn't quite place how he knew him.

"McFly, I asked for two coats of shoe shine on my new shoes. Go inside and get another box of shine and give me that stupid hat, you look ridiculous," Kid Tannen said to Arthur McFly.

"McFly?" Marty said under his breath, 'That must be my Grandpa,' Marty thought. Arthur McFly went back into the shop and Marty walked over to Kid Tannen.

"What are you looking at butthead?" Kid Tannen said. Marty internally rolled his eyes and saw his grandpa's hat. He took the hat and ran.

Y/n watched, confused as Marty took a hat from Kid Tannen. 'I hope you know what your doing, future boy,' she thought. Marty ran into the town square lawn and climbed up the white gazebo, taking out the tape recorder. Kid Tannen was running after him shouting, "Get down here! Give me my hat back!" Kid yelled.

Marty threw that hat down to Kid, getting what he needed from Kid yelling at him. Marty put the tape recorder back into his pocket. Kid Tannen caught the hat, "If I ever see you again, your going to get a piece of my fist!" he said walking away.

"Mind, asshole. It's, 'your going to get a piece of my mind'," Marty mumbled getting down off the gazebo. Once he got down, he looked at it, thinking of something that he should do later in his life, "Nice gazebo," he said to himself.

Y/n came running over to Marty and instinctively put her hand on his forehead, checking to see if he was okay. Marty, used to the act, reassured her.

"I'm okay. I got the recording, let's go back to your dad's," Marty said, taking Y/n's hand.

They arrived back at Y/n's father apartment. Y/n buzzed the buzzer to the apartment and took out the subpoena, as Marty pressed play on the tape recorder.

"Get down here-," the voice of Kid Tannen, yelled through the tape recorder. Harold heard his boss's voice and yelled out the window.

"I'll be right down boss," Harold said, closing the window. Marty and Y/n looked at each other, "Yes!" They exclaimed, waiting for Harold to come down.

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