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Marty, Y/n, Ruthie, and Harold all walked into the soup kitchen. Ruthie and Harold walked to the back of the soup kitchen, followed by Y/n and Marty. Harold knocked on a back door twice and a man opened the door. Harold gave the man a secret code and the number of people. Soon, they all walked down a flight of stairs to an open room, filled with people partying and having a good time.

As Y/n and Marty were walking down the flight of stairs, Y/n leaned herself closer to Marty. Marty put a protective arm around her waist and continued to walk down the flight of stairs.

"This is great! We're in a speakeasy, I wonder if people are going to be drinking alcohol out of shoes like my grandma once told me," Marty whispered to Y/n.

Y/n playfully rolled her eyes and looked at Marty, "Your grandma didn't tell you that, did she?" she asked, a little concerned.

Ruthie and Harold turned to face the two teenagers, "So how were you thinking of getting the alcohol?" Ruthie asked Marty and Y/n. Harold heard this and looked at Ruthie, a surprised look on his face.

"Wait what?!" Harold whisper-yelled to Ruthie, Marty and Y/n. "Harold dear, it's okay. Kid will never notice. Emmett and I need the alcohol for our rocket power drill," Ruthie said, putting her hand and arm lovingly on Harold's shoulder.

Harold nodded, "Okay, but they have to be the ones to steal it. I don't want you getting hurt," Harold said, pointing to Marty and Y/n and then looking at Ruthie, pure love in his eyes.

Y/n nodded, "Yeah, me and Mart-Michael can get it for you. And then do you won't get in trouble, after we'll head on back to Brown Manor," Y/n suggested. The faster they got the alcohol, the faster her and Marty could save Doc and go home.

Ruthie and Harold nodded at the plan they had just made, "Harold and I are going to dance. Would you and Mr.Corleone care to join us?" Ruthie asked.

Y/n shook her head, "No, that's alright. Have fun, we'll go to the bar," Y/n said. Ruthie and Harold started dancing and Y/n watched as her parents danced, "They look so in love," Y/n said to Marty, who was standing right next to her. He put an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him, "They do, it reminds me of us," Marty joked.

Y/n laughed, kissing him on the cheek, as Y/n pulled away Marty pulled her into a quick kiss. They headed to the bar and sat down, waiting to get the alcohol barrel and go home.

The bar tender cleared his through to get Marty and Y/n's attention. They turned around and noticed how similar the bar tender looked to the one in 1885.

"What will you and the lady have?" The bar tender asked. Marty rubbed the back of his neck, confused on what to say, "Whatever is fine," he trailed off.

Y/n suppressed a laugh, 'he's so cute' she thought. The bar tender gave both Y/n and Marty each a glass of whiskey. Y/n smelled it and put it down.

"Marty, if I drink this, I think I'll pass out," she whispered. Marty nodded, "Noted," he said, not wanting to deal with trying to wake her up, like she and him had to wake up Doc in 1885.

As Marty was sliding the drink away from Y/n a man walked up to the other side of where Y/n was sitting. He sat down and turned to her, "Well lookie what we have here," he said.

Y/n stiffened up, immediately knowing who was talking to her. Marty went to Y/n's back side putting a protective arm around her.

"Lay off Tannen," Marty said as Y/n got up. Kid Tannen looked at Marty and recognized him. "Hey your the son of a bitch who took my hat!" Kid yelled after Marty. Marty ignored him, not wanting to deal with another Tannen for the rest of his life.

"Come back here!" Kid yelled, as Marty and Y/n were walking away. Y/n rolled her eyes and turned around. "Oh my god! Would you just shut up!" she exclaimed, crossing her arms. Kid Tannen furiously walked towards her and Marty immediately stepped in front of her.

"Woah, Kid. What the hell is that?" Marty asked. Kid turned around and then Marty punched him in the face. Y/n took the opportunity to go behind the bar and grab a barrel of alcohol, she quickly hid it under her dress. Marty ran over to the bar and grabbed Y/n's hand, from the corner of Y/n's eye she saw her mother and father smiling at her, letting her know that her and Marty had successfully gotten the alcohol.

Marty and Y/n ran out the the speakeasy and through the soup kitchen. They ran all the way to Brown Manor. When the got there, Y/n pulled the barrel of alcohol out from under her dress. "Wow! That worked out beautifully!" Y/n exclaimed. Marty took the barrel from Y/n and kissed her.

"What was that for?" Y/n asked, after pulling away from Marty's kiss. "Just happy, that's all," he said, looking into her e/c eyes. Y/n blushed, "Let's go find young Uncle Doc, shall we?" she said knocking on the door.

Emmett quickly came to the door and opened it, "Ah ha! You've got it! The rocket power drill with work, tonight!" Emmett exclaimed, dramatically.

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