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Y/n was walking through the darkness of Town Square. She was almost to the police station and glad that she could finally go home. When she turned the corner, Kid Tannen stood in front of her.

In the dark he looked scarier and taller. Y/n jumped and backed away. "Well, look who it is, the girl from the bar," Kid said, walking towards Y/n.

Y/n backed away as he walked forward, "Don't come any closer," she stated, trying her best not to look so scared. "Your coming with me!" Tannen exclaimed, grabbing Y/n by the arm.

Y/n let out a high pitched scream. She was so close to the police station that she hoped either Doc or Marty would hear her.

Marty and Doc heard the loud pitched scream and immediately ran towards it. Marty assumed it was Y/n, who else could it be. He felt a little sick. 'She had to be okay, she can't be far,' Marty thought.

They ran around a corner and saw Kid Tannen forcefully pushing Y/n into his car. "Help!" Y/n screamed. Y/n couldn't see that Marty and Doc were a few feet away from the car.

"Hey let her go you bastards!" Marty yelled, running towards the car. Kid let out a laugh as he drove away. Marty fell down on the ground, he was out of breath and a couple tears were falling from his eyes.

"Doc! We have to get her back!" Marty exclaimed, getting up off the ground. "Right! Where did you hide the time machine?" Doc asked. They ran to where Marty and Y/n had hid the time machine. "Where are they going to take her, Doc?" Marty asked, worry evident in his voice. Doc got into the DeLorean and Marty got into the passengers seat.

"I don't know, but we have to hurry. I installed the hover conversion again and I even picked this up," Doc said, reaching into the back of the time machine and pulling out a pink hover board.

"Check Doc! So we'll find Kid's car and I'll get on the hover board and get Y/n back. Then we'll go back to 1986!" Marty said, nodding. He was trying to calm himself down. 'If anything happens to Y/n I swear,' he thought. Doc flew the time machine above the road to try and find Kid's car.

Meanwhile Y/n was struggling to get out of the car. "Let me go asshole!" Y/n yelled at Kid. Kid laughed, "No lady talks like that," he replied. Y/n internally rolled her eyes, 'Okay think, Cornelia. What would Nancy Drew do? She's been in situations far worse than this! Oh but she's a fictional character!' Y/n thought in disbelief.

She thought about jumping out of the car, but she didn't want to get seriously hurt. She kept looking around and then in the rear view mirror she saw Marty, hanging on the back of the car. She made eye contact with him and he put a finger to his lips.

Y/n stayed in the car, knowing that Marty would soon come around to her side and save her. "Where are you taking me?" Y/n asked Kid to distract him from where Marty was.

"A little wear-house to interrogate you. I want to know why you stole a barrel of my alcohol," Kid said. Y/n didn't know what to say, 'This is all kinds of messed up,' she thought.

Y/n watched as Marty silently went around to Y/n's side. Marty opened the door and lovingly took Y/n's hand, reassuring her it would be okay.

Kid turned his head to look at Y/n and saw Marty. "Hey! You son of a bitch! What are you doing here?" He yelled. Kid grabbed Y/n's arm, tightly. He pulled her close to him, while Y/n struggled to get out of the car with Marty.

"Let me go, Tannen," Y/n exclaimed. Kid was still holding on to her, she readjusted herself the best way she could and kicked him in the stomach with her knee. Marty grabbed her by the waist and carried her bridal style on the hoverboard. Kid Tannen clutched his stomach and then crashed into a manure truck.

Marty looked at Y/n, "Are you okay. Did he hurt you?" He asked quickly. Y/n shook her head, "No he just gave me a good scare, that's all," she replied leaning her head on his shoulder. Marty kissed Y/n on the forehead and carried Y/n into the time machine. He sat her on his lap and gave Doc the hoverboard.

"Uncle Doc! Your okay!" Y/n exclaimed. "Wait? How can the DeLorean fly again and where did you get another hoverboard?" She asked. Marty laughed, "Sometimes your just a oblivious as me, doll," He joked. Y/n playfully nudged him.

"When I recreated the time machine I installed the hover conversion and I bought a new hoverboard," Doc explained. Then he realized something, "Great Scott! Let me see the old newspaper!"

Y/n pulled the old newspaper out of her purse and Doc's image disappeared, everything was back to normal. "We did it!" Y/n said to Marty, kissing him on the cheek. Marty pulled her close, never wanting to let her out of his sight ever again. The amount of times he had almost lost her could fit on one hand.

Doc turned the time circuits on, "Alright! Are we ready?" Doc asked Marty and Y/n. They nodded, ready to go home. Doc speed off and the DeLorean hit 88mph. Doc, Marty, and Y/n braced for temporal displacement.

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