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After leaving Edna's apartment they ran into the Diner, sitting down at a booth. They were out of breath and needed to process the situation.

"Okay, June 14th, 1931 is when Doc gets killed by a mob. We need to go back a couple of days before and get him out of there," Marty said to Y/n, who was still processing what just happened.

"Sounds good, future boy. I can't believe the date is June 14th, that's my birthday. Seven years before my birthday, but my birthday none the less. When we go, we can't run into or talk to anyone," Y/n warned.

Marty nodded, "Right. The last thing we want is for you to ruin your parents first meeting and disappear," he said, remembering when he accidentally ruined his parents first meeting.

"Yeah agreed. You know, I don't even know how my parents met," Y/n said, nervously playing with the gold locket that Marty gave her.

Marty reached for her hand from across the booth. "We'll get Doc back, I promise," Marty said looking into Y/n's eyes. Y/n smiled, "Thank you Marty, I love you," she said. Marty smiled back, "I love you too, Y/n," he said.

"We also should find some thirties clothes," Y/n trailed off. She was trying to think of places that would have suitable clothing for the time period. She didn't own any of her mothers old clothes and they couldn't risk going there in their '80s clothes. Then she thought of Bobby. 'He might have some of his grandparents old clothes' Y/n thought.

"Where are we going to find 1930s clothing?" Marty asked from across the table. Y/n looked into his eyes with a smile on her face, Marty knew she had a plan.

"We're going to visit Bobby, before we leave. He might be able to let us borrow some of his grandparents clothes," Y/n said. Marty nodded knowing it was a good idea.

Then, Goldie Wilson Jr. walked up to the booth. "Hey you two, what can I get you?" he said. Y/n stood up, almost bumping into him. "Sorry Goldie, but we're on a tight schedule," Y/n said, gesturing for Marty to get up as well.

Leaving a confused Goldie, they ran back to Doc's garage so they could drive the DeLorean up to Bobby's house.

"This is weird, I mean it looks the same. There's the Mr. Fusion and the time circuits work, it's like it never got destroyed," Y/n said looking around the time machine, while Marty was driving.

They drove up to Bobby's house and knocked on the door. It was almost sunset and an orange tint was covering the sky. Bobby opened the door at looked at his two friends, confused.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be moving across town?" he asked. Marty rubbed the back of his neck, "It's complicated," he trailed off. "We need to barrow some clothes, um your grandparents clothes," Y/n said, sheepishly.

Bobby looked more confused and then saw the time machine behind them. Remembering the description that Marty and Y/n  has described to their friends, Bobby had a sense of what was going on. "Your going back, aren't you?" he asked.

Y/n nodded, "Yeah, can you help us?" Y/n pleaded to her best friend. Bobby nodded, letting Marty and Y/n inside.

"I think my mom stores all the old family belongings in our attic. We'll look there first," Bobby said walking up the stairs. Marty and Y/n walked closely behind him.

"Thank you Bobby," Y/n said. "Yeah, thanks Bobby," Marty said, right after Y/n. They went into the attic and looked through some old boxes.

"Here, these look '30s right?" Bobby asked turning to Y/n. Y/n nodded, remembering a glimpse of what her mother wore. 

Y/n put on lacey tan dress and put her hair in a low bun with loose strands hanging around the sides of her face. Marty put on a brown suit and tie, leaving his messy hair as is.

The two walked out of Bobby's house and thanked him for letting them barrow some of his grandparents clothing. "When we get back, we'll return them," Marty said to Bobby as they left his house.

Marty and Y/n got into the time machine and Marty drove to the end of the street. "Alright, we'll go back on the 12th, that will give us two whole days to find Uncle Doc and get him. I put our '80s clothes in a bag, so we can change into them when we get back. I have Uncle Doc's journal, the tape recorder, and the old newspaper in my purse," Y/n said to Marty.

"You ready?" Marty said looking at Y/n. Y/n nodded taking Marty's hand. "You bet your sweet ass future boy," she said. Marty hit the gas and as the speed hit 88mph the couple braced for temporal displacement.

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