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Harold Jacobson walked down and out of his apartment to where Y/n and Marty were. When he got down there he was a little confused, having never meet to the two teenagers before.

"Wait a minute. You aren't my boss. Who are you?" he asked looking at both Marty and Y/n. Y/n stepped closer to her father and handed him he subpoena that Emmett gave her.

"Your needed in court. To testify against Kid Tannen. This is the third notice, if you don't testify you could go to jail," Y/n said to Harold.

Harold took the subpoena and looked at it. He read it and then looked back at the two teenagers. "I suppose I have no choice in the matter. I don't want to go to jail, I want to start a family," Harold said, doing his best to act heroic. 

"Yes! That's a wonderful way to look at it!" Y/n exclaimed, maybe a little to happily. Harold smiled and looked a little confused by Y/n's reaction.

"Well, I better be going," Harold said, walking away. "Wait!" Y/n called after him.

He turned around and faced Y/n. "Yes?" He asked. "You should really testify. It might mean the world to the people you love, or who you may love in the future," Y/n said, hoping that was enough to convince him.

Harold thought about Ruthie and how he and her were meant to be. For a while they wanted to get out of Kid Tannen's clutches and now they finally had a chance to do it. "Alright," Harold said in a hopeful way.

Harold walked up into his apartment, most likely to be greeted by Ruthie. Y/n walked towards Marty, who was leaning on the apartment building. "I think I convinced him, or maybe my mother will," Y/n told Marty as he got up off of the building.

Marty and Y/n headed back towards Brown Manor to get ready for the speakeasy opening. Y/n was actually pretty good excited, considering the circumstances. She was going to a party with her parents, something she'd never though she would be able to do.

When the couple got back to Brown Manor they waited outside for Ruthie and Emmett. Y/n didn't want to explain to her grandmother who they were. After waiting for a couple of hours Ruthie showed up, Emmett tagging along behind her, balancing a box of legal files.

"Where were you?" Y/n asked her mother. Ruthie shrugged, a loving look in her eyes. It was clear to Y/n and Marty that Ruthie had went to Harold's.

"Oh, nowhere," Ruthie trailed off. Then she walked closer to Y/n and whispered in her ear, "I'll tell you inside, come on! Let's get ready!" Ruthie exclaimed.

"Where are you guys going?" Emmett asked his sister and Y/n. Ruthie turned around and looked at her brother, "To get the alcohol for the rocket power drill, Mr. Corleone and Ms.Smith are going to help me. Stay here tonight and cover for me?" She asked Emmett.

Emmett rolled his eyes, "Of course," he said, then almost dropping the box of files he was balancing.

"Doc-Emmett! Let me help you," Marty said, as Y/n and Ruthie went upstairs to Ruthies bedroom to get ready for the party.

When Y/n walked into Ruthie's bedroom it looked familiar. Then Y/n realized, 'This is my room,' she noticed. Her mother's room was similar to Y/n's in many ways. The bed looked the same but had different sheets. The clothes were different of course and there was no desk, just a vanity.

"Alright, sit down on the bed and I'll help you pick out something to wear. I saw that exact dress on Susan Reynolds when she was walking with Barry Delapp the other day. It must be popular, although I must say it looks better on you," Ruthie said, looking through her clothes.

Y/n suppressed a laugh, 'if only she knew that I was in fact wearing that same dress,' Y/n thought.

Ruthie pulled out a nice 1930s dress and handed to Y/n. "Change into this, I'm sure Mr. Corleone will be very impressed," Ruthie told Y/n. Y/n smiled and blushed at her statement.

As Ruthie was picking out a dress for herself, Y/n went into the other room and changed. The dress fit like a glove, which made Y/n smile to herself that she was able to wear something of her mothers.

Y/n walked out of the other room and saw Ruthie in her nice dress. "You look absolutely stunning, Ester!" Ruthie exclaimed. Y/n laughed under her breath, "Same to you," she said.

Meanwhile while the girls were getting ready, Marty had finished helping Emmett organize the legal files. There was a knock at the door and Emmett asked if Marty could get it.

Marty went to open the door and was met face to face with Y/n's father. This made Marty nervous because he never expected to actually meet Y/n's father. The only person he thought he'd have to get a 'blessing' from was Doc, and he already had that. "Hey," Marty said, rubbing the back of his neck.

'"I'm Harold Jacobson, I'm here to pick up Ruthie Brown," Harold said, a little relieved that her father didn't open the door.

"Right! I'm Mart-Michael Corleone," Marty said to Harold.

"You look familiar, we're you there when that mysterious girl gave me that subpoena?" Harold asked Marty.

Marty nodded, "Yeah," he started to say and then was cut off by the voice of Ruthie Brown. "Harold!" she exclaimed.

Y/n walked up to Marty and took his hand as Ruthie and Harold greeted each other at the door.

"Shall we go?" Ruthie asked Y/n and Marty. They nodded, a little nervous about what was to come.

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