5. 1931

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Marty and Y/n blasted into 1931. Marty stopped the time machine and got out. "Wow, things sure do look different," he said to Y/n, who had now also gotten out of the DeLorean.

"Yeah, we need to find a place to hide the time machine so no one finds it. Then we'll walk into town, find Uncle Doc and leave. Remember his alias is Carl Segan, future boy," Y/n said looking around the empty road to find a place to hid the DeLorean.

Marty went up to Y/n and put an arm around her waist, "Check, doll," he said, smile-smirking. Y/n blushed and playfully nudged him.

Looking around some more she saw a billboard, "We can hide the time machine behind that billboard!" She exclaimed. Marty nodded, they got back into the DeLorean and Marty drove the time machine behind the billboard.

"Wonderful!" Y/n said, having high hopes for her and Mary's mission. "Shall we?" Marty asked Y/n taking her hand. Y/n smiled at him and they walked hand in hand towards the town square.

Marty and Y/n walked into Hill Valley Town Square: 1931 edition. The town looked run down and poor. Which made sense considering the Great Depression was going on in the United States at the time. The clock on the clock tower worked and what would be the Diner in 1986 was a soup kitchen in 1931.

While walking down the street they saw a burned down building. Marty and Y/n looked at eachother, confused. "If this was the speak easy that burned down, then where would Doc be?" Marty asked Y/n.

Y/n pulled out the newspaper from her purse. She scanned it and then looked up at Marty, "He's in jail, we're going to have to brake him out," Y/n said, walking toward the Hill Valley Police Station.

Marty's jaw dropped, "Wait what?! Why can't we just go back to the DeLorean and go back in time before he goes to jail?" Marty asked.

Y/n turned around to face Marty, shaking her head, "Future boy we can't do that now. We're already here. If we go back in time again and stop Uncle Doc from going to jail, there will be no reason for us to come here. Therefore creating a paradox that could destroy the space time continuum!" Y/n explained to Marty.

"Perfect," Marty said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Marty and Y/n headed towards the Hill Valley Police Station in search of Doc. "Uncle Doc," "Doc," they whispered.

"Marty?! Y/n?!" Doc said peeking out of his jail cell. "Uncle Doc!" Y/n exclaimed, seeing him through the bars.

"What are you both doing here?" Doc asked. "The DeLorean sort of showed up at your garage and you left us a message to come get you," Marty said obviously.

"Oh that's right the automatic retrieval system!" Doc exclaimed. Y/n smiled, glad to be able to see her Uncle again. "Uncle Doc, why did you build another time machine?" Y/n asked.

Doc rolled his eyes and gave Y/n an exasperated look, "I'm sorry, but I needed something more convenient. It is important that I get something from your grandfathers house. On my way there, a fire started and they blamed me! I was taken here and I used this to activate the automatic retrieval system," Doc said to Y/n and Marty, handing Y/n a small remote control.

Y/n took it and put it in her purse. "Uncle Doc what is so important at grandpa's house that you had to build another time machine?" Y/n asked.

Marty felt the concern in her voice. He realized that Doc or Y/n never talked about the other Browns. Y/n never talked about her parents and he didn't want to hit a sore subject by asking.

"I needed to get, and still do, my blue prints for my rocket powered drill. It was my first invitation and the blue prints are missing from my lab in 1955 and in my garage in 1986," Doc explained.

"Why do you need them Doc?" Marty asked. Doc sighed a little embarrassed about what he was going to say, "Jules needed an idea for his science project," Doc said.

Marty and Y/n's mouth dropped open in disbelief. "Oh my god," Y/n mumbled raising her hands in the air and leaning against the brick wall of the building.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute Doc? Are you trying to tell us that you built another time machine to help your son on his science project?" Marty said, completely dumbfounded.

"Even when you repeat it, it sounds bad," Y/n said, annoyed. "Well it's all in the past now," Doc said.

Y/n nodded slightly raising her eyebrows, "Alright, we need to get you out of here Uncle Doc, this happens to you in two days!" Y/n said, taking the newspaper out of her purse and handing it to Doc, through the bars.

"Great Scott! I get killed by a mob?!" Doc exclaimed. "Yup," Marty and Y/n said, leaning against the brick wall.

"This is extraordinary!" Doc said. "What?" Marty said. "Uncle Doc you get killed! That is not extraordinary!" Y/n said, crossing her arms.

"No! No! Not that! We're going to need the exact rocket power drill that my younger self is building at this very moment! It's the only way you'll be able to break me out of here. Go to my house, Y/n I trust you'll know where it is. Find my younger self and get that rocket power drill," Doc said.

"Check Doc," Marty said. "Great Scott! Your mother will be there!" Doc realized, turning to Y/n. "I remember that at this time your mother and your father haven't gotten together yet. You must not talk about your father to your mother in anyway, do you understand?" Doc said to Y/n.

Y/n nodded, and Marty noticed a small tear threatening to drop down her cheek. "I understand," she said wiping the tear and acting like she wasn't going to cry.

"I'll be fine here you two. Go to my old house, convince younger me and your mother to let you both stay. Get my rocket power drill and then we'll go home," Doc said, pointing to the air dramatically.

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