14.Emmett's Lab

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Emmett led Marty and Y/n into his lab. Marty sat the barrel of alcohol on the table and Y/n sat on the table as she usually would when her, Marty, and Doc would work or research on something.

"Okay, so can we get the rocket power drill to work tonight?" Marty asked Emmett. Emmett nodded and took out a huge looking drill. He set it on the table next to where Y/n was sitting.

"How does it work?" Y/n asked curiously. Emmett opened up a part of the drill. "When you pour the alcohol into the drill it will store it there until you press this button. These straps go around the person who is controlling it. It is very simple," he explained.

Just then a loud voice yelled from the other room. "Emmett?! What are you doing? It's late?" The voice said. Emmett looked at both Y/n and Marty in shock.

"It's my father! Quick hide the alcohol and hide the drill. Then hide yourselves!" Emmett exclaimed dramatically as he ran out of the lab.

Marty took the barrel of alcohol and hid it under the table. Y/n hopped off the table and put a sheet over the rocket power drill. The two teenagers looked at each other, now confused where to hide themselves. Marty looked around the room and then grabbed Y/n's hand, pulling her into an empty looking broom closet.

The closet was dark and a little dusty but it would be a good hiding place while Emmett dealt with his father. Marty looked around, searching for a light switch. He found one and turned on the light, he then faced Y/n, who was sitting down on a floor, her back against the cold closet wall.

"Well, I guess now we wait," Marty said, sitting down next to her. Y/n leaned her head on his shoulder. "Do you think this will ever end?" She asked.

Marty looked to her a little confused by what she meant. "What do you mean?" He replied. "Time Travel. The space time continuum." She continued. "What will Uncle Doc do when we get home? Will he keep it, even though he knows it's dangerous? To be perfectly honest, I don't know why he made it in the first place," Y/n said, leaning her head against the wall.

Marty put a comforting arm around Y/n's should and pulled her close to him. "I'm glad he made it," Marty stated. "Because if he didn't I wouldn't have met you," he said, looking into Y/n's e/c eyes. "And my home life is pretty good too," he joked.

Y/n laughed and blushed, "I'm glad he made it too. My whole life changed that day. All I expected was to work on a mind reading machine with my Uncle and instead I found the love of my life, claiming he was from the future," Y/n said, feeling comforted.

Marty and Y/n's noses were touching, they were seconds away from closing a gap. Marty leaned in and kissed Y/n.

When they pulled away Marty smiled, "And then, Doc said that we had kids," he said. Y/n let out a laugh and put her head down. "Don't have to remind me of that, future boy. By the way, when we do have kids I really hope we won't be stupid enough to name one of them Marty Jr.," Y/n joked.

"Fair enough, it does sound like something I would suggest," Marty admitted. Y/n laughed, "At least you're aware," she responded, kissing him on the cheek.

Emmett opened the closet door and looked at Marty and Y/n. "I delt with my father. I can have the rocket power drill ready to use tomorrow," Emmett said.

"Actually Unc-Emmett, we need to take it to the fair tonight for evaluation," Y/n said. Marty nodded and helped Y/n off of the ground.

"Oh alright! I hope it passes the evaluation," Emmett said. Y/n put a hand on Emmett's shoulder, "Don't ever give up. Remember if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything," Y/n told him, reassuringly.

Marty and Y/n carried the rocket power drill out of Brown Manor. As they are were walking out they bumped into Ruthie and Harold.

"Oh thank goodness you both are okay," Ruthie said to Y/n and Marty. "Your leaving so soon?" she continued, looking at Y/n. Y/n looked at Marty, he could tell that she wanted to say good bye. "Go ahead," he whispered. "I'll meet you at the station," Y/n replied.

Marty walked off with the drill and Y/n faced her parents. "It has been really great to meet you," Y/n said to Ruthie and Harold. "I have good feeling about you two," Y/n continued.

Ruthie blushed and Harold pulled her close, "We gotta feeling too," Harold said, smiling.

After saying her last goodbyes to her parents, Y/n walked along a dark Hill Valley Town Square. It was a little cold and windy, to be honest Y/n found it extremely creepy.

Marty went to the police station and put on the rocket power drill. "Marty?! Your here! Where's Y/n?" Doc asked. "She saying goodbye to her parents, she's on her way, Doc," Marty said turning on the drill.

Marty drilled Doc out of the jail cell. Doc stepped out and Marty and Doc hugged. "It's good to see you Marty!" Doc exclaimed. "Right back at you, Doc!" Marty replied.

Then a loud pitched scream was heard in the darkness of town square. Marty and Doc looked at each other, thinking the exact same thing. "Y/n," they said at the same time.

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