10.Ruthie Brown & Harold Jacobson

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August 16th, 19301:30 pm Hill Valley Town Square

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August 16th, 1930
1:30 pm
Hill Valley Town Square

Ruthie Brown was helping her older brother Emmett carry boxes of legal files from the courthouse where their father, and now Emmett, worked.

"I'm sorry you have to do this Emmett," Ruthie said walking down the lawn of town square. Ruthie knew that her brother wanted to be a scientist and she admired him for it. She wanted to be a scientist of sorts too, but always imagined herself with kids and a family.

"It is what it is," Emmett said, dramatically, shaking his head. Ruthie suppressed a giggle, she knew her brother was one for the dramatics of life and it was funny to her when he got that way.

"Why don't you just tell Father about the rocket power drill we're planning on making," Ruthie suggested. Emmett shook his head once again. "I can't, he'd have our heads!" Emmett exclaimed.

As Ruthie and Emmett walked along town square to their house they passed by a group of boys. The one in the middle was clearly the leader because he was tall and scary, with his polished suit and black hair. His name was Kid Tannen.

Ruthie smiled at one of the boys she knew from town, Harold Jacobson. She had a major crush on him, but her parents would never approve because of his involvement with Kid Tannen. Who many in Hill Valley suspected to run an illegal speakeasy across from the soup kitchen.

Harold smiled back at Ruthie, and gave her a small wave. Flustered by the action of her crush, Ruthie dropped the box or legal files, the contents flying everywhere.

Kid Tannen and his gangster goons laughed, but Harold quickly rushed over to help Ruthie and Emmett pick up what had fallen.

"Thank you," Ruthie said, sheepishly. She wanted to avoid making eye contact with Harold, because she knew that she would
embarrass herself even more.

"It's no problem Miss Brown," he said, smiling at her. Ruthie laughed under her breath as she got up, "Please call me Ruthie," she said.

"Okay, Ruthie," he said, in awe of how beautiful she was. Ruthie blushed when he said her name. "I'm Harold Jacobson," he said holding out his hand.

"I know-I mean, nice to meet you," Ruthie said shaking his hand and then bending down to pick up the box. It was like they were the only two people in the world.

"Would you like to walk around town with me tomorrow afternoon?" Harold asked, slightly blushing. Ruthie looked at him and smiled, like she was waiting for this moment all her life. "I would love to, Harold," she replied.

Emmett cleared his throat and Ruthie and Harold broke from their trance. "We should really get going," Emmett told his younger sister.

They walked back to Brown Manor and all Ruthie could think about was seeing Harold the next day. She didn't tell anyone about seeing him. She knew it was wrong, but she liked him and wanted with all her heart to see him.

The next day Ruthie waited at the white gazebo that was in front of the Clock Tower. She waited for a few minutes and then Harold showed up.

"Hello," he said, nervously. Ruthie blushed and walked towards him, "Hello," she replied. The chemistry from yesterday was still there. They talked all afternoon about their interests and passions. Ruthie felt as if she could tell him anything, like he was her destiny.

After talking the entire day, Harold invited her to a party at the secret speakeasy that Kid Tannen ran. She was hesitant towards it at first, but then agreed, wanting to see him again.

Harold wanted her around, no matter what. He liked her as much as she liked him. After she said yes, he slowly leaned into kiss her on the lips. Ruthie kissed back lightly, it was her first kiss. She thought it was magical in every single way, being the hopeless romantic she was.

Later that evening, Ruthie snuck out of her house and met Harold. They went to the speakeasy and there she meet Kid Tannen.

"Harold, if your going to invite your girl then she is also going to have to work for me, because you work for me. Understand, Jacobson?" Kid Tannen said.

Ruthie didn't mind working for Kid. She was used to being bossed around because of her father and she was glad she could help Harold.

Both Ruthie and Harold worked for Kid Tannen. Kid found Ruthie to be very useful because her father was a lawyer.

About a year later, Ruthie told Kid that her father was catching onto the secret location of the speakeasy. Kid came up with the idea to burn it down. Originally Arthur McFly was supposed to take the fall, but when Carl Segan appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time, Arthur was in the clear.

Kid then bought the soup kitchen and planned on turning it's underground wear-house into a new speakeasy, which was where Marty, Y/n, Ruthie, and Harold were going to go, to get the alcohol for the rocket power drill.

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