16.Back For Good

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Marty, Y/n, and Doc landed in 1986. They landed in front of Doc's Garage to see George McFly and other people from the bank carrying out boxes of old equipment. Luckily none of the men were able to see a flying DeLorean.

Marty and Y/n we're about to get out the time machine when Y/n turned to Doc. "Uncle Doc, are you going back to where Clara is? Your fine will all your stuff being sold?" Y/n asked.

Doc nodded and gave his niece a lovingly smile. "It's time. I need to go back to Clara and the kids. You and Marty will be happy, move on. Don't worry I'll visit," Doc said.

Y/n and Marty got out of the DeLorean and headed to the 4x4, where all of Y/n's stuff was. As Doc was pulling out of the driveway he looked at the two teenagers, "Next time I visit, I'll stay for the wedding!" He exclaimed. Then he drove off.

Marty and Y/n laughed under their breath and got into the 4x4. As the they were pulling out of the driveway Marty stopped in front of the garage. "Boy am I going to miss this place," he said to Y/n, taking her hand.

"Yeah me too," Y/n replied. On their way to Marty's house they went back to Bobby's to give him back his grandparents clothes. When they arrived at Marty's house they were greeted by George and Lorraine.

"Dear, your home so late?" Lorraine said. "Yeah we had to stop by Bobby's on the way home from the sale," Marty said.

"Well, get some rest, you two have to get up early tomorrow. God, I can't believe my son is leaving me," Lorraine said, sweetly giving Marty a hug.

Y/n smiled at Marty and Marty gave Y/n a, 'help me' look. All Y/n did was shake her head. Lorraine pulled Marty away and Marty and Y/n headed to Marty's room.

Most of his room was empty. The bed was still there and there were a few scattered boxes filled with clothes. "Looks different," Y/n said, sitting down.

"Yeah, I'm not used to it being this clean," Marty joked, sitting down next to Y/n. Marty put an arm around Y/n and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Are you sure your okay?" Marty asked, referring to Kid Tannen literally kidnapping her. Y/n picked her head up and put a hand on Marty's cheek, "I'm fine, I promise," Y/n replied.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Y/n asked. Marty laid down on the bed and Y/n followed leaning her head on this chest. Marty started to play with her hair, "Yeah, I have been for a while," he said, thinking about something he planned on doing soon.

That night Marty and Y/n feel asleep in each other's arms, like usual. They had been through so much together and tomorrow things would finally go back to normal.

The next day, Marty and Y/n moved into their own place. "Well that's everything, thanks for the help guys," Marty said to Paul, Lee, and Bobby.

"No problem, Marty. Good luck living with a girl," Lee said. Y/n laughed under her breath and Marty rolled his eyes.

"I think it's sweet. They love each other and they want to live together," Bobby defended. Y/n put an arm around Bobby's shoulders, "Thank you, at least someone is happy for us," she replied, playfully glaring down Lee.

Lee rolled his eyes, "Whatever, knowing how Marty is with you around, he won't ever leave to come and practice with us!" Lee said, crossing his arms and pouting just a little bit.

Marty laughed at this, "That is not going to happen," he said, knowing full well it probably would happen.

"Well we have to go know, I'm supposed to visit Jennifer at UCLA," Paul said, guiding both Lee and Bobby towards Lee's van.

The three boys walked out of Y/n and Marty's new apartment. After they left, Marty wrapped both of his arms around Y/n's waist.

"Well what do you want to do? We finished unpacking," Marty said. Y/n wrapped her arms around Marty's neck. "Well, we do need to make the bed," Y/n trailed off.

Marty picked her up bridal style causing Y/n to giggle into his chest. "Marty! Put me down!" She laughed. Marty sat her down on the bed.

The next few weeks went by. Y/n continued to work at the Diner, taking over Goldies job. Marty worked at the video store with Lee. After work, Y/n, Marty, and Lee would drive to Bobby's house so the Pinheads could record their tape to send to the record company.

Y/n and Marty started college. Y/n decided to become a scientist like her Uncle Doc and like her mother wanted to be. Marty was a music major, no surprise there. Life was perfect.

November 5th 1986
Hill Valley Town Square
10:00 pm

Marty and Y/n were walking around town square, hand in hand. Marty had strangely wanted to go for a walk after his and Y/n's anniversary dinner.

Marty led Y/n up to the white gazebo, he was really nervous. Of course anyone would be nervous, when asking someone to marry them.
'We just turned eighteen. And I'm asking her to marry me? Okay you can do this McFly,' Marty thought.

Y/n thought it was strange what Marty was doing. He never wanted to go for walks and he never took any interest in this gazebo before. "Marty what is going on? Why are we here?" She asked him.

Marty cleared his throat, "Y/n when we met you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. You helped me get my parents together, you did your best to keep me out of trouble. You cheered me on when I played Johnny B. Goode. I love you, so much. I never want to be without you and it kills me inside when I remember almost losing you," Marty said.

Y/n was confused where this was coming from. Then Marty got down on his knee and pulled out a black box. Y/n's eyes widened, "Mar-," she started to say. "Y/n Cornelia Brown, will you marry me?" He said.

"Yes," Y/n said. Marty got up and put the engagement ring on her finger. Marty pulled her into a kiss, spinning her around. "I can't believe I got engaged at eighteen. People are going to think I'm pregnant," Y/n joked.

Marty laughed, "I don't care what other people think, your going to marry me. That's all that matters," he replied.

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