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"Where the hell are we going to get alcohol during probation, future boy," Y/n whisper yelled to Marty, after she excused both of them from the conversation with Emmett and Ruthie.

Marty shrugged, "What's the big deal?"he asked. Y/n rolled her eyes an crossed her arms. "Marty, I love you but please for the love of god, think about our history class," she said.

Marty smile-smirked, "I remember not being able to take my eyes off you," he said grinning.

Y/n blushed, a smile tugging at her lips, then she rolled her eyes, "Okay, we're in the 1930s, probation, the Great Depression, illegal speakeasies," Y/n said, hoping he would remember something historical in that class besides her.

"Ah! I got it! We'll go to a speakeasy!" he said. "That burned down, future boy," Y/n said, simply. Then she thought about how her Uncle Doc was just there when it happened. "Maybe someone's making a new one, a better one!" Y/n realized. "What?" Marty asked girlfriend.

"Maybe the person that burned down the speak easy purposely wanted to get rid of it. Therefore they could make a new one, a better one!" Y/n exclaimed. Marty nodded his head, "So Doc was in the wrong place at the wrong time," Marty said, catching on to what Y/n was saying.

"Exactly! If we could somehow find this new speakeasy and-and get a hold of a barrel of alcohol," Y/n trailed off, thinking. "Then we can get the alcohol back to Emmett and Ruthie and use their rocket power drill to get Doc out of jail!" Marty exclaimed.

Y/n hearing this lightly kissed Marty on the cheek. "You've got it future boy," she said, smiling. "Not without you," he replied.

They leaned into to kiss and then heard someone clear their throat, "Are you done talking?" Emmett said, looking a little annoyed. Ruthie was giggling beside her brother.

"Huh, yes. We talked and we were wondering where we could find a speakeasy," Marty trailed off.

Emmett's jaw dropped and Ruthie spoke, "Well the last one just burned down, but I know of one that's going to be up soon," she said sheepishly.

Emmett looked to his sister surprised, "You do?!" Emmett and Y/n asked at the same time. 'I never knew my mother partied' Y/n thought to herself.

"Well yeah, a friend of mine told me that Kid Tannen just purchased the soup kitchen in town," Ruthie continued. Marty and Y/n looked at each other, thinking the exact same thing. 'Tannen'.

"So you think the new speakeasy would be there?" Marty questioned. Ruthie nodded, "I'm not supposed to say this but, he ran the last one, the one that Carl Segan burned down," Ruthie said.

Emmett checked his watch, "Oh look at the time! I have to go and help my father at the courthouse. Ruthie will you go and help Mr. Corleone and Ms.Smith get the alcohol?" Emmett said, frantically grabbing legal files and heading out the door.

Ruthie laughed, her smile showing through. Marty noticed how it looked exactly like Y/n's when she would laugh.

"Don't worry, he hates his job at the courthouse with father. He'll be back to help us, I promise," she said.

Marty, Y/n, and Ruthie walked to the town square. While they were walking Marty pulled Y/n aside. "I'll go update Doc on what's going on, maybe he has some suggestions. Are you okay being with your mother?" He asked, a little worried.

Y/n nodded, "I'll be fine Marty, be careful, I love you," she said to him, not wanting to leave his side. Marty kissed Y/n on the forehead, "I love you too, I'll see you in a few minutes," he said, walking towards the Hill Valley Police Station.

Y/n joined her mother, who was waiting at the door of the soup kitchen. "How long have you been going together?" Ruthie asked. Y/n looked at little surprised, "How did you know?"  Y/n asked, blushing a little.

Ruthie playfully rolled her eyes as they walked into the soup kitchen and sat down. "Well I first had a feeling when I opened the door to my house. You guys were holding hands, like you never wanted to let each other go. And then I knew I was right when Mr. Corleone kissed you on the head, before he went away. Where did he go exactly?" she asked.

"He went get something, he'll be back," Y/n said simply. Ruthie shrugged, "Well alright. My friend is actually a boy, he works with Kid Tannen," Ruthie whispered. Y/n wondered if it was her father.

"What's his name?" Y/n asked, immediately wanting to take it back. "Harold Jacobson," Ruthie smiled, Y/n could see the pure love in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Marty walked to the Hill Valley Police Station. "Doc? Doc?!" Marty whisper yelled. "Marty? What's wrong? Where's Y/n?" Doc asked seeing Marty through the bars.

"She's with her mother at the soup kitchen. We found a way to get your rocket power drill," Marty said. "Good, good," Doc said.

"You know, it turns out that Y/n's mother helped you build your rocket power drill!" Marty exclaimed. Doc's face dropped.

"Great Scott! How could I have been so careless! I forgot about that," Doc said, putting his hand to his forehead.

Marty's stomach flipped, "Doc? What happens?" he said, mostly worrying about Y/n.

"My sister was very reckless sometimes. She was involved with the gangsters of Hill Valley. This caused her to fall in love with Y/n's father. Whatever you do you mustn't interfere with their relationship, but Y/n could be in serious danger right now at that soup kitchen," Doc said, looking at Marty with a serious expression.

Marty's eyes widened and he nodded at Doc's statement, "I gotta go," he said, running as fast as he could to the soup kitchen.

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