6.Brown Manor

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Y/n and Marty left Doc's jail cell. They walked out of the town square heading towards Brown Manor. Marty wanted to ask about Y/n's parents. Maybe if she talked about what happened with her mom, she would feel better about seeing her.

"Y/n?" Marty asked, sheepishly. Y/n looked at Marty, continuing to walk. "Yeah, Marty," she replied.

"What happened to your parents?" he asked. Y/n sighed, "Well, my mother's name was Ruthie Brown she fell in love with my father Harold Jacobson. I don't remember my father that much. They had me when they weren't married, which caused my grandparents to disown my mother. When my parents died in the house fire when I was little, I went to live with Uncle Doc, because my grandparents didn't want me. They said I was the product of lust instead of love, I was a burden," she said to Marty, a tear slow falling down her cheek.

"But that's all I remember," she continued, letting out a deep breath. Marty stopped walking and turned to face her. He wiped the tear from her cheek and gently kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry," he said.

Y/n leaned her head on his chest, "No need to apologize, I found my home," she said, blissfully.

They continued to walk to Brown Manor, arm in arm. Before walking to the door, Y/n stopped. "We need names," she said to Marty.

"Right, I'm guessing we can't be married this time, huh?" he joked. Y/n giggled, "Unfortunately no, future boy," she said. "Damm," Marty said under his breath.

"We have to pick names that fit the time period," Y/n said innocently. Marty smiled, getting an idea, "Michael Corleone," he said, grinning. "Who?" Y/n asked. "Al Pacino's character from 'The Godfather' ," Marty explained.

"Okay my turn. Ah, I got one! Esther Smith!" Y/n exclaimed. Marty looked at her confused, "Who?" he asked. Y/n laughed, "It's Judy Garland's character in 'Meet Me in St. Louis' ," Y/n explained.

Marty knocked on the door, holding Y/n's hand tightly. There was silence and then Y/n knocked on the door. A young girl opened the door smiling wide. She had short curly hair and was wearing a 1930s women's suit.

"Hello Harold-oh sorry I thought you were someone else," she said, a tint of red coming to her cheeks. Y/n stood there, unable to speak.

'That's my mother! And she thought Marty and I were my father. They must know each other secretly. I shouldn't interfere,' Y/n thought to herself.

Marty noticed Y/n's shock because when her mother opened the door her grip on his hand tightened. "Uh, hello. I'm Michael Corleone and this is Ester Smith," Marty said, introducing their aliases.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ruthie Brown. Is there anything I can help you with?" Ruthie asked Marty and Y/n. Marty didn't know what to say, it was Y/n that was good at getting them out of awkward situations.

"Uh" Marty started to say, but then Y/n spoke, "We are looking for Emmett Brown we have an important message for him," Y/n said, it wasn't her best excuse but it would have to do, considering her state of mind.

"Hold on one second let me get him," Ruthie said stepping away from the door. After she left to go get Emmett, Marty turned to Y/n, "Are you okay?" he asked, reassuringly. "I don't know," Y/n responded, under her breath.

Then a young Emmett Brown walked to the door, Ruthie a ways behind him. "I'm Emmett. Are you here about my invention. I must warn you it's not ready yet. But I promise it can be ready for the fair in a matter of weeks," Emmett said, brightly.

Y/n decided to use this to her advantage, "Yes! We are here about...that. But we might need it in a matter of a day," Y/n trailed off. Marty smiled nervously, going along with her plan.

Emmett's mouth dropped open, "We should discuss this further in my lab. Please come in, uh," Emmett said, realizing he didn't know their names. Ruthie stepped up behind him, "Emmett this is Mr. Corleone and Ms.Smith," she said, smiling sweetly.

"Ah then you must be here from the Scientific Affairs Office!" Emmett exclaimed. Y/n and Marty nodded quickly, it was the only excuse they could use. Marty and Y/n stepped inside the house and looked around. It looked different from the way it would look in the 1950's.

"You came at a wonderful time, our father just left for the courthouse," Ruthie said, walking along side Emmett. Emmett laughed under his breath, as Ruthie, him, Marty, and Y/n all walked to Emmett's lab.

"You said you need it in a day. I'm afraid I can't do that. I need alcohol," Emmett said to Marty and Y/n in his lab. "Well I'm sure it won't be that hard to get some," Marty said, oblivious to the time period they were in.

Ruthie and Emmett looked at Marty with confusion. "He's joking! He knows that alcohol is very hard to come by, considering it's illegal to own alcohol," Y/n said, nudging Marty in the side.

Ruthie and Emmett nodded, "Well then you see our problem," Ruthie said. "You worked with Emmett on this?" Y/n asked curiously.

Ruthie smiled and nodded, "I love helping my brother with his inventions. All the kids at school think I'm weird but I want to be a scientist just like him!" Ruthie exclaimed.

Y/n smiled at her mother. She felt like she wanted to cry. She didn't know how much of her mother she was like. 'Maybe that's why Uncle Doc kept me around?' Y/n thought.

"Well we can get the alcohol for you, today. It's still the morning right?" Marty said to Emmett and Ruthie.

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