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Marty and Y/n decided to get married after they graduated college

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Marty and Y/n decided to get married after they graduated college. Y/n told Marty about the 'Chapel O' Love' and his tuxedo shirt. They instantly agreed to each other that would never happen.

'The Pinheads' became a household name after they sent in their tape. They released their first album in Marty and Y/n's junior year of college. That summer Marty, Paul, Bobby, Lee, Y/n and Jennifer went on tour around California.

Then Marty and Y/n graduated college. Marty got his degree in music along with becoming what he always wanted to be, a rockstar.

Y/n got her degree in science and got a job teaching at the Hill Valley Elementary School, while also working on inventions at home.

On their wedding night they danced to Earth Angle and 'The Pinheads' played Johnny B. Goode.

'The Pinheads' got so popular that Marty was able to afford that mansion in Hill Valley that he always wanted. Y/n and Marty converted their garage into a lab, so that Y/n could work on her inventions and of course Marty would help her.

The house got very lonely sometimes and Marty suggested the idea of having kids. "Do you think maybe we could have one?" He asked.

Y/n wanted children, but the future she saw haunted her. "Marty I want kids as much as you do. But I'm afraid. What if we have kids and that terrible future I saw happens," Y/n said, tears coming to her eyes.

Marty wiped her tears away and looked into her e/c eyes. "We control our future, remember. We don't even live in Hilldale and I still play the guitar, quite well, I might add," he said, trying to cheer her up.

Y/n laughed and Marty smiled. "Okay," she said. Marty got up and looked at her, surprised. "Okay?" He asked, making sure he heard her correctly.

Y/n nodded and got up. She laced her fingers around his neck. "Let's do it. Let's have a baby," she said.

Marty was freaking out. He wanted to get Y/n to the hospital in a timely manner and then he would be a father. 'Oh my god! I'm going to be a father,' he thought.

Y/n felt fine, her water broke, but there was no real pain. Not yet, at least. "Marty you need to calm down. I'm okay," Y/n said, putting an hand on Marty's shoulder to reassure him.

"I'm not freaking out, I'm just trying to beat traffic," he stated, failing to hide his nerves.

They got to the hospital and Y/n was put in a wheel chair. "Mr. and Mrs. McFly, good to see you. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked Y/n.

"Good," Marty and Y/n said at the same time. Y/n sounded fine, but Marty sounded like a complete mess.

Y/n waited in a hospital bed, because she wasn't fully ready to have the baby yet.

"So while we're waiting, for this little guy to come out. What names were you thinking?" Marty asked. He had calmed down a bit more after seeing Y/n being put into a hospital room and bed.

"Well, if it's a girl I was thinking Ruthie and if it's a boy I was thinking Emmett," Y/n said. Marty smiled, "I like those names," he replied, holding her hand.

After a couple of hours, Y/n had started to have the baby. A beautiful baby boy was born. Marty and Y/n named him Emmett, as they had agreed upon. He had Marty's blue eyes and Y/n's h/c hair.

"Hi Emmett. I'm your Mamma," Y/n said, holding her son. Marty went up next to her and looked at his son.

"He looks just like you," Y/n said, looking up at Marty.

Marty laughed and Y/n gave him their son. "Hi, I'm your old man," Marty said, laughing to himself. "I'm an old man," Marty said looking at Y/n. Y/n rolled her eyes, "Your not old, your 30, future boy," Y/n retorted.

"Get some rest. I love you, doll," Marty said, noticing how tired Y/n looked. He kissed her on the forehead and sat down in the chair by her bed, holding little baby Emmett.

A year later, Marty and Y/n had a daughter. They named her Ruthie, after Y/n's mother. Marty was a little less freaked out this time.

Marty continued to play with 'The Pinheads'. The band scheduled their tours over the summer so that Y/n, Emmett, and Ruthie could come along and cheer Marty on. Marty was glad that his wife and kids could come and watch him perform.

When Emmett and Ruthie were toddlers they wouldn't leave Y/n's side. Marty always found it a little funny, but he was a little jealous.

"Do you think they love you more than me," Marty asked Y/n one night, after they had put Emmett and Ruthie to bed.

Y/n looked at Marty, confused, "Of course not. What makes you say that?" She asked. Marty and Y/n laid down in their bed. As usual Y/n laid in Marty's arms.

"Because their always spending time with you," Marty huffed. Y/n leaned up and kissed Marty.

"They love you, your their father. They always enjoy hanging out with you while I'm working in the lab," Y/n pointed out.

"Really?" Marty smiled. While Y/n worked in the lab, Marty would take Emmett and Ruthie to the arcade. "Yeah, they come running to me and tell me all about the fun times they had, with you," Y/n said, reassuring her husband.


Marty and Y/n meet in 1955. Marty brought Y/n back with him 1985 after falling in love. They had changed their future. They had made it their own. They had been through so much, on their ADVENTURE THROUGH TIME.


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