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Marty and Y/n headed towards Doc's jail cell to inform him of the plan. A lot of things we're running through Y/n's mind. 'My mother is involved with the gangsters of Hill Valley. As much as I would love to help, I can't and if  me and Marty don't get alcohol, then my Uncle Doc will die and me and Marty came here for nothing!' Y/n thought to herself as they were walking towards the Hill Valley Police Station.

Marty noticed his girlfriend's quiet state and wondered if she was okay. "Doll, are you okay?" he asked, lovingly. Y/n kept her head down and just shrugged, playing with the heart-shaped locket around her neck.

Marty could be oblivious sometimes, but he wasn't oblivious to his girlfriends actions. He knew her, and the reply he got from his question said it all, she was not okay.

Marty stopped walking and turned Y/n to him, they were face to face. "Marty, what?" Y/n asked, wanting to get this mission over with.

"Your obviously not okay. Talk to me, please," Marty pleaded, wanting so desperately to be there for her.

Y/n shrugged, "What's there to talk about? I mean, really. All we have to do is get the alcohol for the rocket power drill and leave," Y/n said, continuing to walk.

Marty stopped her and looked into her e/c eyes. "There's something else. I know it, you want to know how I know, because I love you and when you love someone you know what their like. So please tell me," he said, placing a loving kiss on her forehead.

"My parents are working for Kid Tannen and his stupid asshole goons! I can't stop it, because if I did I could seriously alter the future. It kills me that I can't do anything," Y/n said, her voice faltering and a tear coming down her cheek. Marty wiped it away with his thumb.

"Maybe there's a way we can help, without seriously altering the future," Marty suggested, trying his best to help.

"Uncle Doc said no matter what we shouldn't get involved," Y/n replied.

They continued to walk and finally reached the jail cell. "Uncle Doc, we're back!" Y/n whisper yelled.

"Y/n! Marty! Did you get my rocket power drill?" Doc asked the two teenagers. Y/n looked at Marty awkwardly and then turned back to her Uncle. "No, not exactly," Y/n said, sheepishly.

"We're going to a speakeasy opening tonight, under the soup kitchen. With Y/n's parents. The only way to get the rocket power drill to work is alcohol," Marty said, lightly smiling to make light of the heavy situation.

"Great Scott! Your parents are together? The rest of the Brown family didn't find out about them until 1937. And then your mother got pregnant with you and she had to move in with your father," Doc said to Y/n.

"Yeah, they know each other alright. Their even working for Kid Tannen," Y/n said crossing her arms, still upset by the situation. Marty put a comforting arm around her waist.

"I know and as much as we would both like that to change, you must not interfere. It's already risky enough that your going with them to a party. You two must be extremely careful. Get the alcohol, get the rocket power drill and get me out of here before tomorrow afternoon," Doc told Y/n and Marty.

"Check Doc," Marty said. "We'll see you soon, Uncle Doc," Y/n said, reassuringly.

Marty and Y/n were on their way to Brown manor when they bumped into Emmett.

"Hey Emmett, heading home?" Marty said pointing in the direction of Brown Manor.

Emmett shook his head and laughed at little, "No, not yet. I'm actually heading to Harold Jacobson's to deliver this subpoena," Emmett said.

Y/n's eyes went wide. "A subpoena?!" she said. 'Why the hell is my father being called into court?' She thought.

"Yes, he's supposed to testify against Kid Tannen. This is the third one I've sent out he's supposed to testify in a couple days," Emmett explained.

"Why is this the third one?" Marty asked, curiously. "He's been too afraid to, Kid Tannen is a very powerful man. If someone were to convince him to testify then he won't have to go to jail," Emmett said to Marty and Y/n.

Y/n didn't know that this happened, would her mother convince him or would her father go to jail, she didn't know. Marty sensed Y/n's worry and confusion so he decided to ask the questions.

"How long would he go to jail?" Marty asked. Emmett put his finger to his chin, thinking. "I really don't know, I'm not a law man myself. But I would guess about a couple of years," Emmett said.

When Y/n heard this, it didn't make any sense, 'My grandfather made that subpoena. So he would know who my father is when Ruthie introduces him to the family in 1937. If my grandparents knew he'd been to jail they wouldn't approve on the spot and I would never be born. So he must have testified!' Y/n realized.

"We'll help you get him to testify!" Y/n said smiling at Emmett. Marty looked at Y/n in shock. 'She's turning into me!' Marty thought, knowing that Y/n couldn't interfere with other people's timelines.

"Wonderful, Mr. Jacobson lives just down here," Emmett said. Y/n and Marty walked behind him.

"What are you doing?" Marty whispered to Y/n. "Relax future boy, I have a plan. My father must testify either way, because if he went to jail my grandparents wouldn't approve of him in 1937 and I wouldn't have been born," Y/n explained to Marty.

"I sure hope you know what your doing, beautiful," he responded.

𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐏𝐓.𝐕 Where stories live. Discover now