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"I sooo did not see this coming. You've outdone yourself here, Universe. 11 Universe, 0 Daniella. Fantastic."

These are the words that have been playing in Daniella's head on loop since meeting Luca the Golden Retriever.

Daniella stares at her piece of now wrinkled paper while tapping her foot. With her airline crayon in hand, she reads through the list before adding her new update. She adds a working title that Sweetheart would seem to agree with if he was with her now:

The Happenings so far... ish.

1. Luca basically ghosts me... or we never knew each other? Luca sends his first text although he later seems to not know of it????

2. We can't call or find each other. Luke = Barista at home airport. "Enjoy & Reset" = His Starbucks messenger. I fall asleep at Starbucks. 

3. Flight delayed. I go to Starbucks. Luke = Barista at departure airport. We chat. He has to "reset" the machine. I purposefully fall asleep = reset. I got a text. Luca sends the first text.

4. Upgraded to Business class. two kiddos. i drink a few glasses of champagne (3 or 4ish glasses). I meet Luca. he has giant teddy bear. i fall asleep. teddy bear = sweetheart? L sends first text.

5. I make a run for it and try to switch flights. Everything rewinds. Dragged back. Child with teddy bear. Teddy bear = Sweetheart? Child = creepy. L sends text.

6. Upgraded to business class (again). Stewardess is with the child who scares me. Child is with Sweetheart. Child is also called "Sweetheart"....??? Luke = sexy millionaire (i think) who invented the RESET app. L sends text? Turbulence. I hit my head while trying to tie shoes. knock out/black out.

7. I'm at home. Luca is travelling. I sent the text L usually sends. Roles are completely switched. Room and house are too clean. pepe silvia episode. Lightning strikes the car.

8. Empty airport. Sweetheart = giant talking bear who is very very real (to me) who feeds me. v sensitive. only refers to me as "Daniella Spencer". we fight(ish) a couple of times. nasty flashbacks of bad behavior at airports. We move and travel around the airport. shoves me from the moving walkway. the moving walkway is neverending. lots of fog. we find exit, fog blocks vision, hits head.probably ran into wall or door?

9. Wake up at the airport. red paper plane with hand written note in crayon: "WAKE UP DANIELLA SPENCER" so it has to from Sweetheart?! I freak out, i fall.

10. I wake up at train station. red plane station. agent thinks i have amnesia. i get taxi, traffic on bridge (considered unusual). i leave taxi and sprint. also gets hit by car. kicked in shin by the child at security lines. i swear and fight with everyone. sprint across airport. miss flight. faint.

Daniella takes a deep breathe as she now scribbles next to her marking on #11

11. ...????? Luca is now a Golden Retriever.

That's her new update as she scribbles it down on her piece of paper with a black crayon. One half of her mind is fixated on her paper. The other half is fixated on making sure that Luca does not run off in the middle of a crowded airport... Daniella, who did not travel with a leash, keeps Luca between her legs. Luca affectionately circles himself around her legs in an infinity loop. She writes down another observation:

11. Luca is now a Golden Retriever. He keeps circling around my legs in an infinity loop as i write this sentence down!

To be on the safer side, Daniella adds #12 right below. If she gets to #13, she's going to have to use the other side of the paper. Although she has plenty of pages in her notebook, she is really not in the mood to waste paper just yet.

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