Deku isn't oblivious

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Main ship: Bakudeku

Background ship(s): Shinkami, Ochatsu


Deku wasn't as oblivious as he would seem.

His classmates all think that he's as oblivious as can be.

But that's the opposite of the truth.

He can notice the tiniest of details.

He could notice what a person had for lunch by the smell of their breath, or he could notice what they're feeling by their body language, the look in their eyes, or their voice at the moment.

He never really tried to hide his talents, hence why Nezu took an interest in him, but his classmates have just never noticed.

Which is why they're meddling in his love life.


"Truth or dare, Bakubro!" Kirishima asked Bakugou at the weekly Bakusquad sleepover that happens every Friday night.

"Tch, truth, I guess," he responded somewhat calmly, scaring the rest of the squad.

"Yo dude, are you ok? You seem less... aggressive than usual," Kaminari asked him, concern laced in his voice.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY AGGRESSIVE?! I'M ALWAYS CALM!" Bakugou yelled at him, small explosions reflexively coming out of his hands.

"Ah, there he is," Kaminari joked, earning a smack on the back of the head by Sero.

"Just ask your stupid fucking question shitty hair," Bakugou said, calming down a little.

"Oh ok, um... OH! Who's your crush?" Kirishima asked him.

Bakugou turned red. Although his face is usually red from anger, the squad knew that this wasn't his usual angry red, it was an embarrassed red.

"No one!" He exclaimed.

"Your face says otherwise! Tell us!" Mina squealed.

"'s fucking Deku. Happy?" Bakugou said, exasperated.

Mina and Kaminari squealed, as they were shippers.

"Oh! Oh! You have to let us help you! I'm such a good matchmaker!" Mina exclaimed, jumping up from her position on the floor.

Bakugou thought about it a bit.

She managed to get Kaminari and Shinsou together when they were pining like idiots. She also helped Uraraka confess to Tsu, so she was a good matchmaker.

"Tch, fine," Bakugou relented.

"YES!" Mina yelled out before running to get the rest of the class to help her.

"I'm going to regret this at some point..."


"So, what Mina told us all last night when she woke us up," Uraraka started, glaring at Mina, "Is that she wants our help to get you and Deku together?"

"Ugh, yes," Bakugou sighed.

"Ok, I'm in," she said immediately.

"Why? He asked.

"Because you guys are cute together," she said with no hesitation.


That's when Midoriya came into the common room, yawning cutely.

"Good morning, guys!" Midoriya exclaimed to the class.

"Good morning/morning," came the responses from the class.

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