July 15

771 12 1

Main ship: Tododeku

Background ship(s): None 


Today was July 15. Izuku Midoryia's birthday. When Izuku woke up he was really excited, it was his first birthday with his classmates and boyfriend! 

He checked his phone for any texts or twitter notifications but there weren't any from his classmates, only a text from his mom saying that she couldn't call him today but that she wishes him a happy birthday. But that's ok! Even though he can't call his mom he's sure that his classmates will make today a good day...


~~~ Izuku pov ~~~

I'm kind of sad that mom can't call me today, but I know how hard work is on her. Time to get dressed and ready for the day!

~~Time skip to him walking out of the elevator~~

I walked out of the elevator expecting uraraka to tackle me into a hug or sho to kiss me, but the class was just sitting in the common area watching tv.

"Hey guys" I said to them as I waved.

"Hey Midoriya/Mido/Deku/Zuku." I heard them say together, not even taking their eyes off the screen. I went into the kitchen to make myself breakfast and think about what's happening. Uraraka never forgets a birthday, so are they just pretending they don't remember or do they actually not remember? I'll just trust them and remain positive!

As I was thinking I heard a ding come from my phone.

It was a text from Kacchan!

Kacchan: Oi nerd, i'm only going to say this once.

Kacchan: Happy Birthday.

Thank you Kacchan! :Deku

Kacchan: Yeah yeah don't get used to it.


I won't! :Deku

At least Kacchan told me!

~~Time skip to after school~~ (all the teachers wished him a happy birthday but they didn't let the students see because they don't want to seem like they're playing favorites even tho Deku is all their favorite uwu)

I walk into the common room after school to see almost everyone either on their phone or watching tv. Did they really not remember?

"Hey Zuku." Sho called to me, looking up from his phone for a moment then looking right back at it.

"Hello Sho!" I said cheerfully, hoping he remembered.

He didn't even look at me again, so I just went to my room and sat on my bed hugging my pillow and trying to stop the tears from spilling over.

~~Time skip to the next morning which is a saturday for plot reasons~~

When I woke up none of my friends texted me a happy (late) birthday...

They really forgot my birthday...

I started crying into my pillow.

I called my mom.

I clicked on her contact and waited until she picked up.

"Hello? Izuku? Is something wrong?" She sounded groggily, now I felt bad because I woke her up.

"Hey mom, sorry did I wake you up?" I said worriedly.

"It's fine honey, what's the matter? I can hear your crying voice." She said.

"My friends forgot my birthday...can I come home for the weekend?" I asked her.

"Oh of course sweety." She said to me kindly.

"Thanks mom, I love you and I'll see you later." She said bye to me then I hung up. I then decided to call Kacchan because he remembered. He picked up a second later.

"What Nerd?" He said to me angrily but with no bite to it.

"I'm going home for the weekend....everyone forgot my birthday..." I said, starting to cry again...

"Jesus..." he said softly with a sigh.

"Alright." He said. Then he hung up.

I started packing all of the essentials while crying. When I was done I was left sniffling. I stepped into the elevator and went into the lobby. I was speed walking to the door.

"Hey Midoriya,Mido/Deku/Zuku." They all greeted me like normal. I just looked at all of them and started crying again. I turned back towards the door and quickly walked out. I started my way home.

~~3rd person pov~~

"What happened? Why did he cry when looking at us?" Kirishima asked.

"CUZ ALL YOU FUCKERS FORGOT HIS BIRTHDAY" Bakugo yelled walking into the common room. Everyone looked confused until they all realised what the date was. Uraraka and shoto burst out crying.

"I...I'm supposed to *hic* to be his best f-*hic* friend yet I forgot his b-*hic* birthday..." Uraraka sobbed.

"How can I call myself his boyfriend when I forget his birthday..." Todoroki whispered while crying.


"What? What do you mean Bakugo?" Todoroki asked him.

"I MEAN THERE'S A WAY TO MAKE IT UP TO HIM!" Bakugo yelled, slightly more irritated. Everyone stepped closer to him.

"Here's what you gotta do," Bakugo said to the group.

They then started planning.

~~Time Skip to sunday after lots of planning and crying~~

It was sunday evening and everything was ready and set up. Deku texted Bakugo saying he was on the way. Everyone started hurrying with the last finished touches.

When Deku walked in everyone (Minus Bakugo) felt really bad. Deku looked like a mess really, he has bags under his eyes, which were red and puffy, his hair was messier than usual, and he slouched a little bit. When he looked up his eyes widened a little bit.


"W..what is all this?" He asked softly.

"Well these fuckers felt really bad about missing your birthday so we planned a party to make up for it." Bakugo said comly from his spot on the couch, surprising them.

"R..really?" Deku asked, tearing up a bit. Todoroki then came and hugged and kissed him.

"He's right. We all felt so terrible. What kind of boyfriend am I to forget their lover's birthday?" Todoroki said.

"It's ok sho really." Deku said to him.

Then they all partied and had a fun time.

And no one forgot Deku's birthday ever again!

The end.


I wrote this for some reason cuz I love seeing Deku sad even tho I love him uwu

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