Fly me to the moon

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(The artist is great. The song is great. Watch the video.)

Main Ship: BakuDeku (Katsuki Bakugou x Izuku Midoriya



"...Will you fly to the moon for me?"


The same old school.

The same old extras.

The same old Deku.

It was a day so similar to any other that if someone told Katsuki that something bad would happen, he would have laughed and blown up your face for lying to him.

He did the same thing he did every day.

He and his mom had a yelling match in the morning, he beat Deku up when he got to school, he pretended he wasn't listening to his teachers' but he actually was since he knew he needed to be smart to get into UA, he beat Deku up at lunch, went to more classes.

The day was pretty normal so far.

It was his last period class, and he can tell that something's up with Deku.

The nerd isn't mumbling or trembling his lip like he was about to cry that he does every day, and he's not writing down hero notes, since Katsuki can see the sheets of paper instead of the burnt notebook.

The nerd actually looked happy that day, but, it didn't look like a normal happy for the nerd. His eyes weren't sparkling, they looked dead, actually, hollow. He didn't have a bounce in his step or drag himself like he did every day. He looked like a big weight was lifted off of his shoulders.

Katsuki couldn't wait to beat it out of him.


Katsuki, for all its worth, had gotten detention after the school nurse, the only person part of the faculty to actually like the nerd, caught him beating him up.

As he was making his way out of the school, he heard a door open.

Now, this wouldn't have been surprising, if it wasn't the rooftop door, and no one goes through that door.

He climbed the stairs up to the rooftop entrance, before pushing open the door and being greeted by a sight he never expected to see.

Izuku fucking Midoriya, standing on the edge of the building, with his shoes and backpack on the right side of the railing.

He could hear him singing. Though, he's confused since he's never heard him sing before.

Fly me to the moon

Let me play among the stars

"Deku?" Katsuki asked, stepping out of the entrance and onto the rooftop.

Izuku didn't turn around, he just kept his eyes in the sky, looking at the setting sun.

"Deku?" Katsuki asked again, stepping closer. He could see the small smile on Izuku's face and the lack of tears.

"Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars," Izuku finally said, turning to look at Katsuki with a small, genuine smile.

"Izuku," Katsuki said, stepping closer to the boy.

Izuku gazed at Katsuki with sad eyes, though he couldn't tell why they were sad.

"You know I'll never be free if I don't do this," Izuku whispered, looking at Katsuki, before turning and looking at the setting sun.

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