Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

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"December" She heard her name whispered threw the trees. A coldness swept threw the forest causing December to shiver. She had no idea where she was. She looked towards the midnight sky the stars seemed dimmer than usual; they seemed sad like they knew of the grave danger she was in. She ran towards the smoke to a campfire she saw in the distance.

"December..." she heard the voice say again only it sounded much closer than before.  She ran faster but it seemed like her motions were slowed down like she was under water.  The voice seemed as cold as the wind and as freighting as the dark forest she turned against her will to face the deep voice. And she was shocked to see Daniel was the voice even more shocked that he had called her December.

"Danny?" she questioned reaching towards him. His smiled faded and he changed into someone she had never seen before, the man had the same curly hair as Daniel but his eyes were much different they weren't the beautiful midnight blue color or even the sky blue color they changed to every so often, but they were an icy blue and they seemed cold and hopeless... something within them told her that this man was very different then Daniel. His crooked smile made her skin crawl.

"I'm coming for you..." he said with a laugh that she couldn't soon forget.


"Ember wake up..." Daniel said quietly trying to wake up December from the nightmare she was having. Her breathes came quickly and she was sweaty. He had lit a few candles so he could see her but the room was still very dark.

"Ember..." he said quietly rubbing her arm soothingly. She jumped awake with tears running down her cheeks "Em it was a nightmare it wasn't real." He told her when even in the candle light he could see the fear in her multicolored eyes.

"Oh Dan it was awful. You... you changed into someone else... and it was so cold."

"Who'd I change into?" he asked

"I don't know... he was a man who looked like you a lot but his eyes... they were different... and his laugh..." At the description Daniel thought of George but how could she dream of his dead brother whom she had never met? He pulled her close to him and noticed she was shivering.

"It was just a dream. It'll all be alright I promise." Daniel told her as he rubbed her back soothingly.

"It was so real Danny..." she said into his shirt. She pulled away and looked up into his eyes. He felt like she could see into his very soul. But he even with the sudden vulnerable-ness he felt he couldn't break the gaze. He wiped away her tears with his thumbs. It was at that moment he knew she had stolen his heart. They all had, their ready-made family was something he'd always wanted but never thought he deserved.

~~ ~~

December hugged the girls outside the school "I love all of you." She told them as she did every morning before school.

"We love you too!" Laura, Jennie and Rhiannon said in unison. December watched the three walk away towards the school building. They looked enough alike that they could easily be mistaken for real sisters, Laura with her pale blond hair and light blue-green eyes. And Jennie with her light brown hair and Dark blue eyes, then there was Rhiannon who had dark blond hair and Dark brown eyes. The three had become even closer if that was possible.

"Ready for work?" Daniel asked offering his arm to her. December took it and he led her back to their carriage. She still had a bad feeling from her dream but Daniel reassured her he'd be there to pick her up when she got off and they'd all be safe.

"I think we have a lot to talk about when you get home tonight." Daniel said looking over at her.

"What do you mean?" December asked looking into his Midnight blue eyes. She often caught herself staring at him these days. She often marveled at his eyes that changed from Light sky blue to dark blue depending on what he was wearing or how he was feeling.

Dear December (Letters Of Change Series Book 1)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now