Chapter - 15

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Hello guys

Please forgive me for the mistakes


"You have all the papers right? " Jihyun asked as they got out of the guest house.. Jimin nodded showing the file on his hand.

"Get inside" Taehyung said when he stopped the cab.. Jimin and jihyun sat inside the car. Taehyung sat on the front seat.

Jimin looked at jihyun who gulps and tighten her fist. Jimin signed and took her hands on his.

"You are scared aren't you? " Jimin asked making jihyun nod cutely with a small pout "As far as I know they don't hurt the patient or something.. Maybe they will ask you some question. "

"I heard that they will do some kind of exercise or will let you meet other people's to talk and share your moments. " Taehyung said but didn't turn around towards them.

"Everything will be fine mum" Jimin said as jihyun signed and just nodded

As they reached, they got out of the car and walks straight inside the hospital building.. Taehyung goes to the receptionist, showing her the appointment letter who told them to wait..

"Kim jihyun? " A nurse called jihyuns name who got up with taehyung and Jimin.. She looks at taehyung who nodded and leads her inside the room..

"Welcome Mrs. Kim.. Please be seated. " Dr. Shong said smiling at jihyun who nervously sat on the seat "So I want you to be comfortable and tell me every thing bothers you.. It can be your sons as well. "

Jihyun chuckles thinking about how taehyung and Jimin always teases her.

"Okay, tell me something about you. "


"What do you think tae... " Taehyung looks at Jimin who said "Everything will be fine right? "

"Yes minie, everything will be fine.. I think meeting people's who also had experienced similar things will make mom feel better.. She will listen to there's and will tell about herself.. " Taehyung said making Jimin nod slowly "This kind of treatment will take time, but when the sessions will over you can see the changes. "

"Just hope she will never experience anything like that. Mom never told us about everything happened to her. "

"And we aren't gonna ask either.. " Taehyung said immediately when Jimin stopped "Seeing her shouting and screaming like that makes three of us cry alot.. Whatever happens must be so serious and hurtful for mum. "

"I just want these months to pass immediately so that we can leave seoul. " Jimin said making sign.. Taehyung heard his phone ringing as he took it from the table..

"Unknown number? " Taehyung whispers and looks at Jimin "I'm coming in a minute" Jimin nodded as taehyung got out of the hospital.

"Hello? "

"You are coming today right? " Taehyung narrows his brows hearing the similar voice.

"Where did you get my number? "

"From the office I guess" The caller said making taehyung chuckle.

"You took my number without even taking my permission? "

"I don't have to take permission from my assistant to take his number.. Just answer me if you are coming with your family or not"

"You sound so desperate sir? " Taehyung said with a smirk as he sat on the bench. Taehyung hears Jungkook chuckle.

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