Chapter 2

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Mia's (POV)

I woke in a cold sweat my sheets twisted around my legs and me at an odd angle on the bed. I usually woke up like this when i had the dream, ever since that night it has haunted me those words spoken with a whisper but the threat still there and those eyes, the beautiful haunting eyes. Groaning, i rolled off the bed and made my way into my adjoining bathroom and stared at my reflection.

My hair was disheveled, my eyes red ringed and bags beginning to form underneath them. I always had the dream but i would go days if not weeks in between and for a while there it seemed that maybe it had completely gone away but thats what i get for thinking that life was finally giving me a break. These last two weeks have been hell the same dream every night, the same reoccuring nightmare of the one night that i wanted to forget. I don't know why i was reliving it more frequently maybe a warning? God, i don't know but i wanted them to stop.

Washing my face and drying it with a towel i walked back into my room and looked at the clock 3:30am. Fuck, I had barely gotten 4 hours of sleep knowing i wouldn't be going back to sleep i pulled on a hooded sweater, some sweat pants and my running shoes i made my way over to my window and snuck out. Chuckling softly i couldn't help but think i was a teenager and sneaking out on my parents to go to a party. I would have used the front door but i didn't want to answer the questions that usually followed the next morning. i loved Zoey and Spencer but how could i explain to them what i didn't even understand myself?

Walking over to the fence that wrapped around our little house, i quickly jumped it and started to lightly jog down the sidewalk. I was thankful that though we had neighbors they weren't right next door like you would see in the suburbs the houses around our little town had big yards and were really spaced out giving privacy but close enough that if something happened you could still be helped if you needed it.

Picking up my pace i began to jog towards the college so i could run the track. I had been coming here every night for the last two weeks, trying to get my nerves settled down and my head thinking clearly. Running always helped me, when my mind wouldn't settle down i ran and eventually all i would think about was the beating of my heart and the small puffs of breath that came out as i evenly controlled my breathing.

When i made it to the schools track area i started to sprint around the course. I lost track of time as i made my way round and round the track and when i finally made my way back home i realised that it was getting close to 6:30 sneaking through my window i made my way to the shower. After my shower I stood in front of my mirror and tried to cover the slight bags under my eyes applying a little mascara, eye liner and some eye shadow I looked at my self in the mirror and muttered "this is as good as its going to get, it's not like i have anyone i need to impress" I walked to my closet and after grabbing a baby blue spagetti strap and some worn out shorts i quickly got dressed.

I paused in the middle of making my way to the kitchen to slip on some black wrap around the ankle sandles, once there i started a pot of coffee and got to making breakfast. About half an hour later Zoey came stumbling into the kitchen grabbing a cup out of the cupboard she poured yourself a cup of coffee, I started laughing as i took in her zombie like state.

"God, coffee it's like nectar of the gods let me tell you." Zoey stated as she sat at the island we had set up in the middle of the room. I laughed again as i put a plate of eggs, bacon and waffles in front of her. I laughed again as i watched her wolf down the plate.

"Geez, Zoe slow down before you choke". I said as i laughed at her.  She just glared at me before picking up the plate and licking the syrup that was left from her waffles. I shook my head at her and turned back to the counter. God what a nut, but i loved her she was my best friend the sister that i never had. I grabbed my coffee cup and turned to look at her. She had dark chestnut hair that stopped at the bottom of her chin, she had these deep blue eyes that missed nothing, perfect skin that most women were envious of, a pert nose and slender body, that i had no idea how she kept in shape with all the food that she wolfed down on a day to day basis, she didn't even work out saying that if some one couldn't accept her as she was, then she didn't need them in her life.

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