Chapter 1 (Who am I)

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Chapter 1 – Who am I

My Name is Wang Yibo. I am 21 years old. Born in a family of material wealth but hallow in wellbeing health. I have been a lonely person for such a long time that I cannot even remember since when. Maybe, since my mother passed away when I turns eight. Don't mistaken, not that I do not have siblings. I have a brother who is 10 years older than me. His name is Wang Hai Kuan because of our age difference, our communication are restricted to very surface courtesy.

My father is a very rich and powerful man in America because he is vastly rich. He spend most of the time, expanding the business of Wang Corporation and often in the name of preparing for a better future for my brother and myself, my father Wang Yuan has never attended any of the parent and teacher interview about me. Probably the only child in a prestigious school with no parent attending but only my brother representing him all the time. My father is constantly in many countries, he is probably busier than the flight pilots and think he score more mileage points than them. I often lost count of where he is. He calls me when he wants to and often in the middle of the night, forgetting the time zone and making me angrier. He will calls me on my birthday with a Happy birthday greeting and then the same wording "I have deposit $XXXXX/- in your account, go celebrate with your friends, buy what you like". The problem is my dad doesn't know that I don't have much friends and that I am a loner. I am not so comfortable with people because I live alone in a huge house with servants. I only have a few very close friends but also I don't talk much. My brother is also so busy, he is busy helping my father to further expand the company. As the company grew bigger and more and more important to them. I became less and less important to them. I am a Wang that exists in number but my number is smaller and less important than the digits in the bank account.

I have cried and cried so many nights about my lonely state of life. I don't really know how to make friends after from young, my father keeps teaching me that I comes from a rich family and everyone has a motive being friend with me and no one is good. This reason has made me decided to stop mixing around too much knowing that all your friends has a motive isn't an incentives for anyone to have friends.

Due to my pathetic lonely state, I often search the internet and read all sort of news, medical, psychology and even Donald Trump. One day, when I was about 19 years old, I read something like "Having a dog can be your best friend" and so I went out to buy a lovely Maltese puppy and name him "Bucky" because I love that he bucks everyday so that the house is not so lonely. However, when dad comes home just for 1 night, 1 stupid night, he threatened to take away Bucky if he doesn't stop barking. So, I search the internet and look for advice and comes across the chat room where everyone talks about anything under the sun. I chat with this guy call Sean Xiao who is 3 years older than me in America. It seems like he owns a Maltese puppy too and so when I post the question "How not to let you dog bark too much". This guy Sean Xiao responded and so we start chatting with each other since then.

Until today, I did not used my real name as I am not allowed at all. My father will kill me if he knows because all sort of baddies will go after me. So, I called myself Leo Wang and that is the name I used when I communicate this guy name Sean Xiao. I don't even know if this is his real name but who cares, we are just lonely people or maybe I am the lonely ones searching the internet for some friends or what we all called virtual friends and probably never going to see each other for years and years to come. I actually like this very much because then I can be who I am, I can express who I am and think like a normal human beings not the one that I have to pretend when my father's business partners or associates visits my home. I need to smile unnecessary and actual like I know the world but actually I am so far away from the business world. I just HATE IT.

However, being in the visual world is so different. I like this guy Sean very much, maybe because he is only 3 years old than me. We communicate really freely starting from the matter on dog. I think he actually have a cat but he decided to answer me because according to him, when I posted the question on the internet, he saw no one reply me and he just feels the urge to help me, so he actually ask his vet friend about dogs and he post it to answer me. I really feel grateful as I feel that he has actually goes out of the way to help me. And best of all, he doesn't know who I am, as I am really cautious about all these, so he may think that I am a very poor student as I never talk anything about my lifestyles at all. We are started with very simple help about dogs but sometimes, I feel really lonely, I will ask him about University life in China. So, I know that he is now studying in Gusu University and he major in Business Administration and psychology. I also shared that I attends Harvard University and specialized in Business Administration too. This course is of course chosen by my dad to get me ready to help in the company. However, my dad doesn't know that I love dancing and I actually adds in the theatrical class majoring in dancing in the University. I likes dancing because I don't have to talk too much, I just dance till my heart content and it tires me physically so that I don't have time to think about my pathetic life. So, I shared this part of my University life with Sean, we also begins to help each other in assignment and project. I would say that I benefitted more from him than he has for me, because he is 3 years older than me. However, Sean never ever complains about helping me at all. I always score so high in my assignment and project because Sean helps me a lot and I am also very intelligent as well. I am a fast learner. As time goes by I also share a little of my brother and father being always busy and travel alot, to my surprise Sean also told me that his parents are the same but that he is the only child and not like me. So, I feel a very strong connection with Sean because we seems to share a lot of commonality between us.

It has been amazing, how much Sean is now a big part of my life after we started communication two years ago. We started by chatting over the email once a week and then it gets regular to 3 times a week, now we are chatting almost daily. Even though, we may not have much to say after saying too much about our life and studies, just a sentence like "Hey, I hope your day is good" a reply like "Thank you, I hope yours is wonderful too" brings lots of joy to my heart. Of course, I hope this is the same with Sean but I don't really know because not everyone is a loner like me. However, our daily responses to each other has been a routine, oh not, a habit or something I don't even explain that helps to sparks up my life. I wakes up in the morning and look forward to it and when I see a response, it cheers up my day. I sleep in the night with a "good night" to Sean as our time difference is like 12 hours. I don't how life is like to Zhan in China but I seems to grow up with an invisible friend, mentor, father or even brother, I don't know. However, I just love this invisible friend so much that it becomes a part of me. I call him my personal 'Happy pill'.


This is the first chapter of Far Away Love.

I have no idea how it flows and will be led by the day.

I hope you all like it.

It is narrated mostly on Yibo's view

Thank you so much for always journeying with me 

Far Away Love (Yizhan. Zhanyi)✅Where stories live. Discover now