Chapter 34 (Bestie or Bestie's Bestie)

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Chapter 34 (Bestie or Bestie's bestie)

"So, we belongs to each other, are you happy now. No Zoey or anyone touch me" Zhan smiles like a cute bunny

"Yes, we belongs to each other" Yibo then returns his rare smile and he side hug Zhan and drops his head on his Zhan ge shoulder and he feels so much comfort and warm from his Zhan ge

Now, both of them are sitting in silent with one head resting on the other. Their silent is not awkward at all, as they seems to be intoxicating each other scent, they seems to be again slipping into their Yizhan world. Their leaning and closeness are relaxing and believing as well as bonding, or maybe in a sense tying themselves to each other lovingly. After a few silent, there was a knock on the door and the shouts of someone break their loving silent moment

"Hey, guys, dinner is really" Chuyue shouted at them

Zhan the first to get up from the paralyzing daze and he rub his face to drive himself back to reality

"Coming soon" Zhan announce and then he turns to Yibo and he saw the Yibo is slightly drifting off to a sleep but still his eyes are fluttering, half open and half close, actually, trying so hard to keep it open

"Bo di, are you tire and sleepy" Zhan asks, feeling sorry for the boy, who had a long day training.

Yibo is tire but he didn't want to sleep off his time with Zhan, every moment is precious and it is not sleeping time yet for him although he is tire, so he jolt up and smile at Zhan

"Mn,,, just a little, but I am awake now'" Yibo tries to convince but his half opened eyes betray him.

"Are you sure you are ok" Zhan asks concernly

"Mn" Yibo reply

After another glance from Zhan, Zhan decided to let Yibo makes his own decision as he often wanted Yibo to have that space to grow.

"Ok. let's go out, time to feed our stomach worms" Zhan laughs when it comes to food, he is always happy

"Ge ge, loves food" Yibo laughs too

"It is my stomach worms" Zhan shyly answers

"Ok, blame it on the worms then" Yibo teases back

"Wow!!!!!, now my di di learning how to tease ge ge" Zhan reply

"Mn, always want to learn from ge ge" Yibo reply

The reply was teasing but Zhan appreciate that respect Yibo has for him

"No, ge ge is also learning from di di" Zhan responded

"Thank you ge"

Yibo full of thankfulness, he always gets respect and love from Zhan, Zhan is always the one that truly fills his heart, even in every simple words that Zhan spoke, Zhan always takes the position of the encourager, it is these respect and love that had helped Yibo through the two years when he was lost in the world when he feels lonely although with family he feels lonely although he had friends. Sometimes, when he had to attend his family functions or even the school functions, he feels like he is talking in the crowd, he is surrounded by people but, he inner self is he is on a island himself even though he is standing in the crowd, However, his island has someone else now, his island has included another person and that person is Zhan. This person makes him feels love, and also drive the loneliness away.

Zhan smiles and holds his wrist and then he points to Yibo's abs

"Let's help those to grow another two pack" and then Zhan as usual gives it a poke with his fingers.

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