Chapter 40 (Simple and Pure love)

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Chapter 39 (Simple and pure Love)

Tonight is the night before Yibo race, every one is now gathering in Zhan's penthouse, going through the final details for tomorrow race.

"All the 1000 tickets sold in a flash" Chuyue report

"Great!!!!!" Zhan put a tick on the list of things to do

"How about the media people, did yo contact them?" Zhan asks as he frowns

"Yes" Zoey reply

"They are all coming early to take Yibo before and after race" Zoey told Yibo with a smile

Another tick on Zhan's list of things to do.

So, the list went on and on till Zhan had completed his list of ticked items and every one sign a relieve and not only that, they all flopped onto the sofa and lean on each other, as everyone work hard for the project and so far the progress has been really favourable.

Suddenly, Zhan jumps up and look at Chuyue

"Have you reserve the two VIP seats for the Wangs?" Zhan asks with worry in his eyes

"OF COURSE!, I even make sure it has the best view, they are your soon-to-be in-laws, ma" Chuyue teases and everyone flopped and laughs and Yibo face is red like a tomatoes

Zhan tood the napkins and throw at Chuyue and it landed on his head , but Chuyue just don't give a hit about it because he is too busy laughing

"Shut Up!!!!" the red face Zhan couldn't holds it anymore.

"Why so shy, you need to face him before you go back" Chuyue told Zhan

Zhan begins to frown and shows his worry face, and when everyone notices it, they stops laughing and looks at Zhan with worry

"Hey, we are here to support you" the group take turns to pat both their shoulders

"Mn, thank you" Yibo told them with a slight bow.

Everyone immedately stands up and straightened him

"Hey, don't do that, we are equal, ok, it is not about age" Chuyue told Yibo

Seoungyoun and Yixuan stands beside Yibo as his bestie and then sling their arms around his shoulder

"Don't worry, if there is mountain that blocked the road, we will all work hard to remove it, if the path has rocks, we will lift them up too and remove it. We will do our best to clear the path for you tow. We are all here for you both" Yixuan told them both

"Wow!!!!!, best speech ever!" Chuyue and the two besties of Yibo shakes their hands

"Thank you" Yixuan smiles

That night, they all have a fast and early dinner, so that Yibo can have lots of rest for his competition tomorrow.

Now, Zhan had shower and he is waiting for Yibo to shower and then they have their rest.

Yibo came out with his wet hair and he just throw the towel to his ge ge

"Come here" Zhan catch the towel and pat for Yibo to sit on the floor while he sit on the bed to dry Yibo's hair

While drying Yibo's hair, Zhan runs his finger through the soft silk hair of Yibo and he nose himself to the shampoo of Yibo's hair

" smells like sandlewood, Yibo" Zhan asks Yibo

"Yes, it is, do you like it" Yibo asks

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