Chapter 10 (Finally)

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Chapter 10 (Finally)

Zoey eyed at Zhan and also tries to wink at Zhan but Zhan turns his head away and look at the notice board, ignoring the angry Zoey

"Let's go, we are late already. I don't want to miss the flight" Zhan just walks ahead with Chuyue ignoring the two ladies dragging themselves behind the two tall men.

The announcement in the airport is now being broadcasted loud

"Flight to Washington are now ready for boarding" as soon as Zhan heard the announcement, he rolls his luggage bags, pick up his hang luggage swing it onto his shoulders and he turns and tilt his chin to Chuyue who is now also picking up his luggage bag onto the shoulders. Zhan and Chuyue just stand up and roll their luggage bag which leaves the two ladies chatting away till they saw them rolling their bags

"Hey, wait for us" both the men didn't even turns their head back when they heard Zoey screams at them

"Selfish men" Zoey screams at them

But Zhan and Chuyue already far away and so both the ladies pick up their own stuff and runs after them.

When they all reached the sitting areas, all of them sat down but Zhan took the corner seats so he only has Chuyue beside him

The girls grumble at them

"Why, so hurry er, usually, they will call the first class seats and we are all holding business class seats, ma" Zoey complaints

"Corrections, you both are holding business class seats, Zhan and I are holding first class seats" Chuyue told them

"What!!!!!, when did you change it and didn't even inform us" Zoey widen her eyes and screams at Chuyue

Zhan is too tire of the conversation and he just shoulder Chuyue to keep quiet but with that stupid persistent Zoey, Chuyue just answer one last question

"You think Zhan's parent will allow him to sit business class on an 18 hours flight? Stupid!, He is the heir of his father empire, every bones in him is worth a million dollars and of course his ass is terribly important, sitting and not having a good sleep in the plane and suffers?" Chuyue shakes his head at Zoey.

Zoey frowns and then she looks at Chuyue with hope and she gently seduce Chuyue with her offer

"I change the ticket with you and I add US$5000/- on top of it, Chuyue help me, I want to sit beside Zhan, er" Zoey begs with her silly puppy eyes

Chuyue had enough and he stands up

"Oh my gosh, you do have stupid brain, don't you. Zhan is my best friend, worth more than money. Stupid!. Don't you get it, Zhan doesn't want to sit next to you" Chuyue signal Zhan who is too tire to get up.

Zhan and Chuyue has changed the ticket two days before the flight as Zhan doesn't want to sit beside Zoey as he is now awake of Zoey intention. Chuyue comes from a fairly rich family but Zhan offered to upgrade his seat ticket for free, as Zhan only calls his father personal assistant and this is done in an instant. Chuyue will never ever betray Zhan, they have known each other since middle school and both families are in good relationship. Chuyue is like a brother to Zhan as Zhan being the only son in the family.

So, when the first class announcement came, both Zhan and Chuyue walks towards the boarding counter and just ignored the stomping and angry Zoey with the cueless Emily standing behind them. So, Zhan and Chuyue board the plane first as they are sitting the first class seats and that gives them a very private space and also time to fall asleep at the 18 hours flight. As soon as Chuyue and Zhan found their seats they immediately upload their hand luggage and then sink into their seats

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