Chapter 16 (The Cold Prince is Melting)

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Chapter 16 (The Cold Prince is melting)

"Ok, before I start the program, maybe, Yibo, after this meeting, bring them around the campus ground, let them tour the University" Professor Lam pointing at Yibo and everyone is really eager to tour the campus ground.

"Mmmm, I would like you all to discuss a new product and see how you can market it, you need to do a business proposal, with everything in it, from the creative ideas, to the surveys and then how you approach the bank loan, to the marketing of it and then the final launching of the product plus the after sales service and feedback. Get this done before the end of your 3 weeks here. How about that?"

When Professor Lam gave them the proposal, the eyes were all wide open especially the two ladies as it seems like a lot of work and that mean they don't have much time for touring or having fun. There were frowns on their faces and it is so visible that Professor Lam laughs

"Ehem, I am although giving you all a very tough work but you should lean on your most powerful resources here?" then Professor Lam laughs again

The two girls were all looking blurr and look around and then ask Professor Lam

"What resource? and where?" Zoey asks Professor Lam

Zhan just shakes his head and CHuyue just couldn't stand these two silly girls

"Oh man!, of course Professor is talking about Yibo here. Gosh!!!!!. He has the most resources here given the family background. Silly girls" Chuyue told them

"Exactly, Yibo is local plus he will have the help you needed, so make use of him. He is indeed your most valuable resources" Professor Lam told the group

Professor Lam got up from his seat and excuse himself as he also had some other students waiting to see him and so he left the group to discuss among themselves

Emily jumps in front of Yibo and smile sweetly at him

"Well, you are indeed our valuable resources, I can also be your valuable resource you know" then Emily winks at Yibo and flirt with him

Usually, any man in China or even in America might welcome Emily flirtatious way but not Yibo, He turns COLD and his eyes glare at Emily with such icy cold look that even Emily took a few steps back, Yibo also thin his lips and he looks away from Emily into the empty space. Yiibo feels angry with Emily and he doesn't like her flirtatious ways, in normal time, there is Yixuan and Seoungyoun to scold anyone that flirt with Yibo because Yibo doesn't really like to talk, but today, Yibo is alone. After a while, his glaze turns to Zhan. Zhan who all the time observing Yibo, felt that Yibo expect him to say something and so he feels sorry for YIbo that he didn't protect him from the flirtatious Emily. Zhan stand up and and stand in front of Yibo and he furrow his brows and in a stern voice

"Emily, please remember our purpose of coming here and also please respect the host here, he is not like your other stupid boyfriends that would be sway by your stupid flirt" Zhan in an angry tone.

Chuyue is actually shocked because Zhan has always been calm and peaceful, this is like the very first time that Zhan is angry over something so trivial. Girls like Emily will always likes to tease and flirt with boys and usually Zhan would just walked away but somehow not this time. Chuyue looks at Yibo who is now carrying a very light smile. Then Zhan. look at Yibo and nod his head. Yibo cold and stoic face immediately soften when the toothy smile appears on Zhan's face. All these small little gestures were recorded in Chuyue mind like a video recorder for him to analyse these two young men but for now, Chuyue just did the observation part like a great explorer.

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