Moving In...

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Sam's family took out the boxes from the van while the kids were inside fighting over their rooms.

"I'm the oldest so I get the best room." said Josh.
"No, I'm the youngest so I get the best room!" says Sam.
"What's the difference? All rooms are the same." Nick face-palms.
"There's a HUGE difference!!!" both yell at Nick at the same time.

Mom's and dad's POV

"Hey honey! Do you think they are fighting over the rooms?" asked mom.
"When have they not been fighting?" dad laughs.
"hahaha you're right." mom giggles.
"Do you think we should go give them their rooms ourselves?" asked dad.
"That's a good idea!" mom agrees.

Mom and dad goes inside to see their kids still fighting.

"You two are old enough to live on your own" said Sam in anger.
"Well, you're being a little bi- oh hi mom and dad!" waved Josh.

Everyone turns around.

"We could hear the 3 of you at the elevator!" mom is surprised.
"Yeah hahaha!" laughs dad while smoking.
"Can you at least do it by an open window?" mom says in annoyance.
"OK Karen!" dad goes back outside.
"Anyway, your dad and I decided to give you the rooms ourselves because the three of you can't do it yourself." says mom.
"OH COME ON???" kids aren't happy about that.
"I don't care what you think, it's my house and my rules," said mom, "Josh, you and Nick are sharing the room on the right!".
"We're sharing a room? Hell yeah!!!" the boys high five.
"What about me?"Sam asks.
"You'll live in the room next to Josh and Nick." mom answeres.
"Oh ok...but what about the other room." Sam got curious.
"Dad and I will keep it empty just in case you get a boyfriend, he will definitely NOT sleep in your room." said mom.
"Her getting a boyfriend? Hahahahaha~" Nick and Josh started laughing while going to their room.

Few hours later after putting everything in their rooms the kids finally go outside.

Sam is running around the house and looking over the fence. After few minutes of running around Sam looks over a fence and sees he neighbors turning into their garage. A tall and handsome guy steps out of the car and looks over to Sam.

"Oh sh*t!" Sam hides behind the fence so that her neighbor doesn't see her.
~I wonder how he looks like. I didn't get to see his face...I bet he's hot af~ Sam though.
"Excuse me miss?" Sam's neighbor accidentally scares Sam.
"My apology! I was just lo-" Sam stops for a second and stares at the handsome neighbor, "JACKIE JACKSON???" Sam screamed.
"Oh, you know me? Hahaha" Jackie giggled in surprise.
"HoW cOuLd I nOt KnOw YoU?" Sam's voice is breaking and shaking.

Jackie laughs

"OK I have to go now. See ya later!" Jackie said goodbye.
"B-b-byeee~" Sam said.

Jackie and Sam goes to their houses but Jackie turns around.

"Hey! What's your name???" Jackie yells.

"I- I'm Sam!!!" Sam yells as well.
"Sam...don't tell anyone that the Jackson family lives next to you!" Jackie laughs.
"O-ok!" Sam blushes and agrees.

Sam goes into her room and jumps on her bed.

To be continued...

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