Going Home

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Sam didn't really want to eat the cake Michael got her because she's too worried about her family. Although Michael talked her into eating it. Sam didn't talk much. When they were done, they went right back  to the room. As Sam was walking, she was too zoomed out that she didn't see the glass door. Luckily Michael got there in time to put his hand on Sam's forehead right before she hit the door. Sam didn't even look at him and kept walking. Michael was worried about Sam but he wasn't able to do anything. Sam got back I  the bed. Michael was about to get in as well.

"Can I sleep alone tonight?" Sam looked at him.
"Of course!" Michael smiled and nodded, "Of you need anything, I'll be in the hall!" he pointed at the door.
"Thanks!" Sam smiled.
"No problem!" Michael petted her head and left the room.

Sam lied on her side and rolled into a ball. She took out her phone and started chatting with the guys. Taryll was still at Sam's house, protecting her mom. She hasn't been eating anything for couple of days. Turns out that Sam's dad hasn't been home as well. He's been looking for Sam. Noone knows if he wants to just see her or kiddnap her. Katherine and Joe are also really scared. Bob has almost strangled Joe thinking he knows where Sam is. Her dad doesn't believe that she is on tour with The Jacksons. He still thinks that Karen has sent her somewhere for him not to see her.

Michael was still in the hall. He could hear Sam crying as she talked with his nephews. He wanted to go in but he knows that Sam needs time alone, so he's left outside. Since Michael is sensitive, he felt Sam's pain and was crying with her. She stopped chatting and talking with the guys at almost 11 pm. She was crying herself to sleep but wasn't able to able to fall asleep. She opened the hospital room's door. Michael quickly stood up.

"Is everything okay?" Michael asked.
"How can this be okay?" Sam sniffed.
"Yeah..." Michael sighed, "Do you need anything? A cake? Ice crea-" Michael started walking around her.
"I need a hug!" Sam hugged him.
"..." Michael sniffed and hugged her tightly.
"Are you crying?" Sam looked at his face.
"Hahaha No!" Michael looked away and wiped his tears.
"You have nothing to cry about! We'll be alright! Me, my family and yours too!" Sam smiled.
"I just can't handle hearing you cry." Michael looked at Sam and hugged her again.
"..." Sam hugged him back, "I changed my mind...will you sleep by my side?" Sam sniffed and asked.
"Of course!" Michael swallowed saliva.

They both went back in and lied on the bed. They spent the night cuddling again. Sam couldn't stop crying, so Michael was holding her tight to his chest. She eventually fall asleep and so did Michael. They woke up super early because Sam wanted to say goodbye to the guys before she leaves. Michael drove sam to the hotel. She said goodbye to everyone and to Michael too because she was driving with someone else, not Michael by the wheel. Michael was so worried, he sent one of his bodyguards with him. It just so happened that it was the same bodyguard who caught her when she almost hit the door. The 30 minute plane ride felt like 6 hours. Sam finally got home. She and her new bodyguard run to 3T's house. Sam run right in there without any knocking or bell ringing.

"Taj! Where's my mom!" Sam asked while panting.
"Not gonna say hi? She's at your house!" Taj pointed at that direction.
"Hey! Thanks!" Sam smiled and run to her house.
"Taryll? Mom?" Sam shouted.
"We're in the kitchen!" Taryll yelled back and Sam run up to her mom.
"Mom! Are you okay?" Sam hugged her mom.
"Yes, honey!" Karen answered.
"Where's Nick and Josh?" Sam looked at Taryll.
"They're at grandpa's house." Taryll answered.
"Are they okay?" Sam was worried.
"Yeah! They're fine, thanks to Nick who got there in time to got your father away from them." Taryll sighed.
"Thank God!" Sam rested at the table and sighed, "Thanks for looking after my mom!" Sam stood up straight and hugged him.
"It's the least I can do!" Taryll hugged Sam back, "Where's Michael?" he asked.
"He stared. I already ruined his schedule so... He's quite busy now." Sam smiled nervously.
"And he left you alone?" Karen asked in surprise.
"Of course not! He gave me his bodyguard, even though I said that I don't need one." Sam pointed at him.
"Where is he?" Karen asked.
"Huh?" Sam turned around to not see anyone, "I don't know your name, but... You can come in!" Sam laughed and the bodyguard came in.
"Eeey! What's up, Luke?" (I have no fucking idea what's his name is, so why not?) Taryll went for a handshake.
"What's up, man?" he did a handshake.
"And I wasn't allowed to know your name, huh?" Sam shook her head.
"But you never asked..." Luke blinked.
"You could have told me lika a man!" Sam rolled her eyes, "Anyway! Where's father?" Sam asked mom.
"I don't know! He hasn't been here since you called Taj." Karen shrugged and Taryll got a message.
"I think he's at Lisa's house right now." Taryll said quietly.
"How do you know?" Sam looked at him.
"She just texted me "Help me guys! There's a big, fat and drunk man in my house and he's threatening me!!!"..." Taryll showed the message.
"Ugh...I hate her!" Sam sighed, "Let's go Skywalker!" Sam hit on his shoulder and run out of the door.
"Ey! I'm not a Jedi!" Luke run after Sam.

Both of them run to Lisa's house. She lived at the other side of the road and 4 houses away. By running to there, Sam was already exhausted. They knocked on the door but she didn't answer. Sam opened the door and run in. Luke then stepped in front of her. They slowly walked upstairs to see Sam's dad chocing Lisa against the wall and yelling at her "Where's Samantha?"...

To be continued...

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